Let's discover some new blogs!

Hi again. Hope you're all doing well. 

In some of my last posts I wrote that some of the people I used to follow on blogger weren't active anymore. So many of you agreed that blogger isn't what it used to be, and that it seems quieter now. I've been thinking about this for a few days now, and I've came up with an idea to try to find more active bloggers and make this a little bit more fun.

The idea is pretty simple. I've listed down below a few of my favourite doll related blogs. I invite you all to follow them and leave me some of your favourites in the comment section. Then, if you feel like doing so, copy this image and make a blog post sharing your favourite blogs and invite your readers to do the same thing. Hopefully that way we will find new interesting blogs.

Here are some of my favourite blogs:

Atelierni Shasha: You probably know her for her beautiful Etsy store (which I highly recommend), but she also has a very interesting blog. She hasn't been very active lately, but she seems to be back. I encourage you to follow her and show her some love.

Barb the Evil Genious: Barb has been a reader of my blog for the longest time. If you were here last summer, you may already know Barb, because I tagged her in almost all of my posts. She talks about a little bit of everything in her blog, but lately she's been showing her doll collection, which I've found very interesting.

Dollsdolour: I found Niina last summer and I'm glad I did. On her blog, you can find from BJD to playline dolls such as Barbie or Hairdorables. Her photos are beyond beautiful, I love her aesthetic. Plus, she has a puppy, which makes it even better. 

Farrah: Mom of two, her blog focuses mostly on playline dolls like Barbie, American Girl or Monster High. From time to time, she posts about 80s-90s toys, which I love. I've been following her for years and she's very nice. She took a bit of a break from blogger and moved onto Youtube, but she's back. 

Jaye's doll space: I think I found Jaye on a doll Facebook group a while back. Mostly focused on Barbie dolls, with some interesting photostories. I love how she arranges an scene with a few elements. 

Linda: All the way from Belgium, Linda brings you some of the best vintage european dolls. She talks a bit about everything, but I would say it's mostly vintage dolls. If you love dolls such as Nancy or Furga, you can't miss her blog.

Phyllis: Another blog I've been following for a while now. Mainly focused on Barbie and Integrity Toys. Queen of doll rebody, there's no Fashionista she hasn't put into a Made to move body. She hasn't been very active the last couple of years, but she has expressed her will to be more active. Maybe if you show her some love, it will encourage her to come back. 

Sharon in Spain: A brit living in my home country, Spain.  In her blog you can find from BJD to bigger dolls (40-55 cm or 16-22 inches) beautifuly photographed. She also shares her cute dolly-outfit creations, and a bit about herself and her life in Spain. 

Xanadu: A very active australian blogger. In her blog, you can find quite a wide variety of dolls:  Poppy Parker, Blythe, BJD, Tonner... Plus, her dioramas are to die for, and she seems to work on quite a few of them at the same time. 

This are some of my favourite blogs. I've probably have forgotten someone, so I hope anyone that I didn't include takes it the wrong way. I've also excluded some blogs that, despite that I love them, have been inactive for a long time. 

I hope you guys join me in this idea, it won't be as much fun if I'm the only one doing this. You don't need to recommend as many as I did, or write a long description, it can be way simpler. It's just to get to know other bloggers and make blogging more fun. Plus, seeing their blog being recommended can make someone's day.  And don't forget to recommend me your favourite ones in the comment section!

On a little side note, Spain is slowly ending the lockdown. We're going by phases, introducing new changes at every phase. Now we're allowed to leave the house for a walk, which we've been using to go back to the old house and pick things that were still there (finally). 

Hope you're all doing well. Blog to you as soon as possible. 

Monster Crafts


  1. Hi MC, thank you for the blog recommendations and for including me, you're very kind. I have now added some of these that I didn't know about to my favourites so I'll be watching out for new posts again soon. I will certainly do a post like this as I follow quite a few too.
    We're going on to Phase 1 tomorrow but I just found out that we cannot just go out in the car within our province to have a change of scenery. I was thinking maybe a little drive out into the campo just to look around and then come back....I was obviously running before I'm allowed to walk!
    Take care of yourself and stay well

    1. Hi Sharon! You're welcome. It's been hard for me to find new blogs this past year, so I thought this could be fun. I will keep an eye on your blog, for your recommendations.

      We're staying in phase 1 next week, but maybe the following we'll move to phase 2. It depends on the area, so who knows? maybe mine will stay in phase 1. The phases are still confusing to me, so I'm not sure exactly what we are allowed to do in each one.

      Hope you stay well too.

    2. I completely understand your confusion with the phases too....I thought that I could do things in phase 1 that I've just found out I can't....so I think I'll just carry on staying home and see what happens next! Take care xx

    3. That's a good call. I'm also staying at home as much as posible.

  2. Hi MC . . . do wish I new your name. :) What a great post and something we all needed to inject some new blood into our reading list, especially now at time when we are all spending more time at home. I have added the ones I didn't know to my reading list and will do a similar post shortly.

    Thank you for adding me to your list, and for being so kind in your recommendation.

    Currently in Victoria, we are still on same restrictions, but they have allowed us to have home visits of not more than five, so I was finally able to have my daughter visit for lunch yesterday . . . but no hugs allowed yet. :(
    Big hugs,

    1. Hi Xanadu. I've never put my real name in here, at first because I wanted this to be very anonymous, but that's starting to change. The second reason, is because I really dislike my name, so I always go by nicknames.

      I do agree that, from time to time, we need new blogs, but I didn't think about the fact that we're all at home now. I'm looking forward to find new blogs. You are welcome, I tried to highlight what I liked about this blogs or what I thought others might find interesting.

      We're also allowed to visit family, but with restrictions. Mr. Monster was able to celebrate his birthday with his parents and siblings, but no big gatherings.

      Take care.

  3. I'm so proud to be one of your favorite blogs! I love your blog too! I will definitely be doing the blog recommendations.

    1. Hi Barb! You are more than welcome. I'm glad you like my blog too, and I'll will keep an eye on your blog to see your recommendations.
      Hope you're doing well. Take care.

  4. Hi Linda! I tried to include everyone, but I've realized I've missed a few people. Anyway, I can always mention them in future posts. I've included Phyllis because, even though she hasn't posted in a while, she has been active commenting on blogs. I knew probably some of you would know or recognize this names, but I thought this will make visiting their blogs more inviting.

    I'm glad that my blog is one of your favourites too. Let me know if you end up making a list, I would love to find blogs I've probably never heard of.

    Big hugs to you too!

  5. A lovely idea and thank you for including me on your list, so kind of you! There were some new places for me on your list, will be great to visit them and read their posts. :)
    The borders are still closed here, but we can go out for a walk and so on, but we are not allowed to travel in the country more than to work or school. My studies will start in June, so I am happy to have picked distance studies for this summer.
    Will try to make a post like this too, to share some blogs I read! Take care and stay safe! <3

    1. Hi Niina! You are more than welcome, I love your blog. I'm glad you found some of those blogs interesting. I do prefer distance learning, it works better for me. In fact, I study in a distance university, because there was no other way I could work and go to class. Hope your summer course goes fine. Definitely let me know if you make a similar post.
      Take care.

  6. Okay, I put up a post with some links!

    1. Great! Thanks for letting me know. I'll check it out ASAP

  7. Thanks for letting me know. Will check it ASAP

  8. It is wonderful that you have decided to create a repository of doll bloggers. I love reading doll blogs and I am delighted to share my list with your readers. Some of the bloggers I follow have already been highlighted so I will not make note of them in my comments.

    My list is fairly long so I am going to make two comment boxes, as I don’t know how much will fit in just one.

    If your readers aren’t familiar with these awesome bloggers, they can meet them now. Dorothy’s List 1:

    Antique Lilac (Martha) - she is an award winning doll maker, doll clothing designer and doll photographer.

    A Peek Into The Pantry (Gwen) - if you and your dolls like to cook, this is a fun blogsite to follow.

    By Hook By Hand (Beth) - she creates beautiful hand-made dolls.

    Dandridge House Dolls (Amy) - you can travel through history with these American Girl dolls.

    The Dolls Storybook - this blogger creates wonderful real life stories for children and grown-ups using Gotz dolls as actors.

    Dolls, Dolls, Dolls - this blogger has an extensive collection of Barbies, whom she features regularly through fashion shows.

    Dolly Blessings - this blogger writes about sweet antique and antique inspired dolls. She is a fan of writer Jane Austen.

    1. Hello Dorothy, welcome to my blog! I'm glad that you like the idea. Thank you so much for sharing your favourites with us, that's very sweet of you. I will add them to my read list. Hope you stick around, we'll love to have you here.

  9. This is a continuation of my previous comment. Dorothy’s List 2:

    I Dream of Jeanne Marie - she is a doll clothing designer and seamstress who makes and sells apparel for dolls of many sizes.

    Izannah Walker (Paula) - she has researched and presented programs about the historic Izannah Walker.

    Jackylina2013 (Heather) - she creates lovely stories using her 18-inch dolls.

    Living A Doll’s Life (Rhonda) - this blogsite is full of information on 18-inch dolls, doll DIY activities, and trips to doll themed locations.

    Planet of the Dolls (Tam) – this is the place to learn about dolls and doll history. She has an awesome way of connecting dolls and current events.

    The Savage Pea (Brenda) - her dolls have sweet adventures from giving a “house tour” to welcoming home a new sibling.

    Teatime With Melody Q (Xyra) - these 18-inch dolls have fun taking afternoon tea and touring historic sites.

    1. Thanks again for taking the time to comment. I will keep an eye on these blogs.

  10. ¡Hola! Acabo de descubrir tu blog y me han encantado tus manualidades. Aunque es cierto que los blogs ya no son populares, me alegra ver que aún hay gente que se niega a abandonar los suyos. Te invito a visitar el mío, aunque llevo un tiempo dedicándolo más a figuras articuladas que a muñecas.

    Te recomiendo algunos blogs sobre BJD's que siguen activos:

    - El Baúl de las kekas (Lena): https://elbauldelaskekas.com/
    - Inn of the Wayward (AlasseCarnesir): http://waywardinn.blogspot.com
    - Crystal -- Lips (Ryina): http://crystal--lips.blogspot.com/
    - My Dolly Adventures (Musume): https://mydollyadventures.blogspot.com/

    Saludos ^^

    1. Hola Lily! Bienvenida al blog. Me alegro que te hayan gustado las manualidades, aunque la verdad es que no tengo tiempo de hacer tantas como me gustaría. Coincido contigo, aunque los blogs están un poco de capa caída, es genial ver que algunos seguimos por aquí.

      He visitado todos tus blogs y me gustan mucho, aunque no tengo claro si todos siguen activos.

      Muchas gracias por tus recomendaciones. Empecé a seguir a Musume recientemente, pero los otros son nuevos para mi.

      Muchas gracias por tu mensaje. Que tengas un buen fin de semana.

    2. So the word blog is masculine in Spanish?

    3. Gracias por visitar todos mis blogs, aunque no sean de muñecas. En realidad están todos activos, tengo que actualizar el personal que nunca encuentro el momento para publicar todas las entradas que me gustaría. El de dibujo es el que tengo más abandonado por falta de ganas de dibujar XD Pero siempre que termino una ilustración, la subo al blog.
      Saludos ^^

    4. Barb: yes, it's masculine in spanish.
      Lily: Gracias, me aseguraré de seguir todos tus blogs.

  11. I am just going to mention my blog. http://dolltraume.blogspot.com. I collect a lot of different dolls, but my main focus is AG. I sew and craft for the dolls a lot.

    1. Hi Beth! Welcome to my blog. I will check out your blog.

    2. Beth, you should put the Followers gadget into the sidebar of your blog. People who follow your blog would see every time you made a new post, and would be more likely to visit more often.

  12. Hello, new friend there. I visited here the first time. Your blog is interesting. Thank you for the list of blogs that you have included to add new friends too.

    Greetings from Indonesia

    1. Hello Himawan, welcome to my blog. I'm glad you find the list useful. Thanks for stopping by.

  13. MC, my dear 💕 Thank you so so much as always for all the love.. I am so honored to be one on your list - my love for blogging is getting stronger, thanks to loving people like you. I'd love to do this, too! To be honest, it's easy to just have highly interactive community apps like Instagram that blogs seem relatively tedious to maintain. However, there is something in blogging that Instagram cannot replace and I want to dig in to this further. Thank you, love. You take good care of you and your family and I'll "see you around" ! 💕💕💕

    1. Hi Shasha! You are more than welcome, I love your blog and you're always very nice and kind. I also feel a similar way, is the people that support my blog and leave comments what keeps me motivated. And, like you said, Instagram is nice, but blogs have something else. It's probably because I can explain myself further.
      Hope you're doing well. Big hugs.

  14. I found your blog following another people's recommendation and I love it! Instant add to my reading list :D

  15. Thank you so much for including me in your list of blogs! I had acquired a few new subscribers recently and I was amazed! I love doll blogs so much and I just wish I had more time to be active on both posting and reading. I'm currently taking an online college class (while also working full time) so now I really don't have time, but tonight I decided to pop on blogger anyway and do a little reading. I haven't bought very many doll lately, but I did buy a few so many be I should do a random post! :)

    1. Hi Farrah! You're welcome, I love your blog. You must have been wondering where did those come from until you saw my post. I know how hard it is to work full time and then study in your spare time. Plus, after that there's house chores and family time.

      What's the course about? I hope you manage to find time to tell us about your new dolls and what you've been up to.

  16. Hola Monstercraft, he visto tus comentarios en alguno de los blogs que sigo, y te he seguido hasta aquí. Me quedo si no te importa, y también haré una entrada dedicada a promocionar los blogs que más me gustan, es un formato que me encanta.

    1. Hola Ilona. Me alegro que hayas encontrado mi blog a través de tus blogs favoritos. Me parece estupendo que te animes a seguirme. Un saludo.

  17. Hi, thanks for the recommendations! I will definitely check out many of them. I'm currently going through the list of blogs I am following manually, since Blogger's reading list is useless, and opening them one by one, reading some of the recent posts and subscribing by email where they have the option. So you may expect some comments from me after my long absence.

    1. Hello again! It's taken me over 10 days to keep up with comments on my older posts and check out some of my favourites. I do too check them manualy, but now I've added a few to the side bar of my blog.
      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment in so many of my posts.


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