Doll Review: Disney Descendants signature Evie

Hello everyone!

I haven't been crafting much lately, so I can't really show you much progress in my doll room. So, I guess it's time for another doll review! Today's review is a little bit different to the dolls that I usally review: Signature Evie from the Disney Descendants doll collection. I'm not really into this Descendants dolls, but Evie appealed to me, specially this version.

In my local shops I had only seen the  Evie doll with the gala gown, but that version was retailed for 35€, too expensive for a playline doll. So, I really didn't have much hope of finding her, but last week I was really lucky and found her at a fair price. But let's start the review.

In case anyone hasn't seen the Descendants movie or hasn't heard about the plot, Evie is the daugher of the Evil Queen, and she has lived her whole life in the Isle of the Lost, an island where the villians and their kids live. But it all changes when she and her friends Mal, Carlos and Jay are invited to study in Auradon Prep, along with the kids of the most famous disney characters like Sleeping beauty or Beauty and the Beast.

Now that you have been introduced to Evie, let's start with the box! I really like the design of the box, it's black and white, with a mirror shaped window cutout, were we can see the doll.

On the back of the box, we can see a picture of the actress that portrays Evie in the movie, Sofia Carson. 

The box is super easy to open, and the background piece that holds the doll just slides easily.  The doll comes barefoot and her shoes come attached to one side, along with a necklace. I don't understand why the shoes are displayed separate, it may make you think that she comes with an extra pair. She also comes with a golden mirror.

And finally, she's out of the box... and with her shoes on.

The Disney Descendants dolls seem have quite a cartoony face in general. Evie's face is quite pointy, with thin lips and a side glancing eyes.

Evie's hair is fantastic. It's a beautiful blend of blue and black and it's styled on the top in this tiny braids that look like a small crown. Also, it's thick and feels really good quality.

 Evie has painted black gloves and wears a crown shape golden bracelet. One of her hands is shaped as if she was grabbing something.

She also wears some jewelry, like her golden crown earrings or her heart shape necklace. 

Her outfit has the color palette of the Evil Queen from the Disney movie. She wears a blue leather jacket with very wide sleeves. The end of the sleeves look like they were painted with white spray paint.

The neck of her leather jacket is actually a separated plastic piece. Her outfit looks a little bit dull without it.  

 Her skirt is black and has a graffiti inspired pattern on it in red, white, blue and gold. In general, her outfit has a punk flavor to me.

Her tights are white with some black stripes, but nothing to do with the ones shown in the movie, that where much more detailed.

Her shoes are actually more detailed that the ones in the movie. They are black studded boots with a golden crown. They're not quite at the level of some Monster High shoes, but they are nice.

She doesn't come with a purse, but she comes with a mirror golden mirror. I didn't noticed it at the beggining, but the mirror opens and inside it has a crown sticker. 

In the movie, her mirror is small enought to fit in her hand, but this one is so big that could be hanged on a hall.

Overall, I think that Evie is a nice doll. The design is interesting and also I feel that she's very photogenic. Also, the doll feels very good quality: no greasy hair, no loose articulations, no wonky eyes... I don't know if that's usual on all Hasbro dolls, but if that's the case, I will probably pay more attention to their products.

If you haven't watched the movie or you're not into Disney,  maybe you won't fall for this doll. Actually, I'm not really a Disney girl and I'm not really crazy about the movie.The movie is OK, I did like the dancing and the oufits, but there are other Disney movies that I have enjoyed more. Anyway, I do like Evie since I saw some IRL pictures of her and I really wanted to have her.

 I'm happy that I got her, however I don't think I'm going to collect more Disney Descendants dolls, as the other characters don't appeal to me as much as Evie. Mal is nice also, but I'm not quite as interested in her as in Evie. Maybe if I find a good bargain I'll get her.

So what do you guys think of Evie? Do you collect the Descendant dolls?



  1. She is my favorite of them as well. I think she's the cutest. I haven't watched the movie and I don't plan on it because I don't want to get addicted to any other doll lines, lol. Nice review! :)

    1. Hello Farrah Lily! I understand that. I've watched the movie, but luckily it hasn't made me fall for this whole line. For now I'll keep with this one.

      Thanks for your comment!

  2. I always check these out when I'm the stores but I have yet to buy one. I do like to see other articulated bodies, but so far none of these have reached me on a level that I felt the need to take one home. I do like their head shape better than Ever After High, but their facial expressions aren't pulling me in.

    1. Hello Muff! I see what you mean with their facial expressions, and that's what hasn't made me fall for this line. However, for me Evie has a little something in her expression and I think she's very photogenic. The articulations on her body are very sturdy, you can consider them as body donators.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Evie is the only one I've fallen for as well. That's mostly because of Sofia she's such a great actress. They dolls super expensive here so I found the Genie Chic one really cheap on ebay and gave to my sister. The others dolls from this line nice but not so you would want to buy them. Agree about the movie, I like the idea but not the result tbh. Not so fond of it.

    1. Hello Linen! I'm also looking for better deals that the Spanish retailers usually offer, so I end up buying most of my dolls online. I haven't really seen the other lines besides the ones with the gowns and the signature ones, but I've just come across the Genie Chic line on Google.
      The movie is OK, fun at some points, and I guess it's entertaining for kids.
      Where do you live?


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