The great outdoors

It's no secret that I'm not the best photographer. If you have been around for a while, you may have noticed that I only take photos indoors, and that I used to always use the same backgrounds. This year I've been trying to experiment a bit more with backgrounds to make my pics more interesting, but I still kept it indoors. I did try to give a bit of the outdoors feel with my pool pics that I took in my back patio, but that was quite limited. My little patio isn't a great space for outdoor photography, as it doesn't have any plants or any interesting architecture item, so I really envy people who have a nice garden, as they can take outdoor pics quite easily.

Outdoor doll photography. L.A. Girl

So, if like me, you don't have a nice private space to take outdoor pics, you have to go to a public space. I wasn't very keen on going out in a public space full of people with a bunch of dolls, but I also wanted to take the photos. So, I had to find a quiet space that could offer some interesting backgrounds. 
In my hometown there's an old medieval fortress built inside of what was an old roman villa. There are still leftovers of the walls of the villa, as well as some towers from the old fortress. Trees have grown in between the archeological rests, so it kind of gives the impression of a small park. Tourist find it very interesting to visit, so during summer and Easter holidays it's always full of visitors. So, I had to wait until the summer season was over. Luckily, Mr. Monster had a week of holidays right after most of the tourists had gone so, on a Monday morning, we packed some dolls and we went there right when they opened. 

Barbie Fashionista Outdoor Photography

I was a bit nervous at first because I was totally out of my comfort zone. Luckily, I managed to relax a bit, and having Mr. Monster really help me out to keep my anxiety levels checked. I wouldn't have felt comfortable leaving my purse and the rest of my dolls on some random rock while focusing on taking doll pics. This was  the very first photo that I took.

Asha Made To Move Outdoor Photography

It was a gloomy day because it had been raining during the whole weekend, but there was still enough sun to get a nice lighing.

Doll outdoor photography

We were there looking for interesting spots and taking pics for some good 45 minutes more or less. At that point, visitors started to show up, so I stopped being comfortable taking pics. People seem to find weird that an adult collects dolls. Some of them will be polite enough to mind their own business and pass by without saying anything, but some have to make some sort of nasty comment. Since I didn't felt like coping with unwanted attention or a possible catty coment, we decided to pack the dolls and leave. I know I should be unbothered by what others have to say, but I just don't have the energy for that yet. 

Barbie Outdoor photography park

At some point during the photoshoot, while I wasn't looking, Mr. Monster took one of the dolls and started taking pics of her with his phone. He took one of the prettiest photos of the whole session. Maybe he should have his own doll blog. 

Barbie outdoor photos

This post isn't meant to offer you photography tricks. I just wanted, not just to share the photos, but also my experience and how I feel. Maybe this post will eventually encourage someone who faces the same insecurities that I have to step out of their comfort zone. Some of the things that helped me out were going with someone I trust and feel comfortable sharing my hobby with (Mr. Monster) and finding a quiet place. 

Overall, I'm quite happy with this photoshoot. Being my first time I didn't really know how to pack my dolls or how many should I bring. I also should work more on the perspective of some photos. I want to do another outdoor photoshoot sooner than later and bring different dolls. We'll see if I have time after my finals in January. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this post. Let me know what you think of the photos, as well as your outdoor photography tips and tricks. 

Take care.

Monster Crafts.

P.S: Even though I'm not super active this months on Instagram, I want to give it a boost. I would really appreciate if you followed me there, like and commented some of my photos. 

P.S.S: Our house renovation is almost done, and we're planning to move there later during the winter. 

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  1. Your pictures turned out nicely! You're right that many people feel awkward about taking pictures of their dolls in public, and doll collectors can be helpful in reminding other collectors that we're not weird. Or if we are, lots of people have hobbies that others find weird. :) I've decided that if I was ever asked, I would say that I was taking pictures for a photography class.

    Your comment about leaving your purse reminded me of the day I took the picture of Masha sitting on the pumpkin. There were two teenage girls taking shots of each other in front of some of the bundles of dried corn stalks that were for sale as decorations. They left their purses on the ground, some distance from where they were taking the pictures, and I was thinking that they should have been more careful with them.

    Will there be a better space for outdoor pictures at your new house?

    1. Hi Barb! I'm glad you like my photos. I do still feel ackward, but I tried to do it anyways. The place was quiet when we got there, so that helped me relax a bit. I wouldn't be able to do that in a crowded place. I did think about the photography class excuse, but I take photos with my phone, so I don't know if people would believe me. Maybe I could say is a project for college.

      I would never leave my purse far from me, even if we where in a quiet area. It was in the rock next to me, but I wouldn' have felt comfortable without Mr. Monster.

      My new house is a flat, so I won't have a big patio either, but two small balconies. Good news is that I will have better lightning for my indoor photography, as my new doll room is next to one of the balconies.

      Thanks for stopping by.

    2. Well I think you did an excellent job MC, your photos are lovely. You should be very proud of yourself. :)

      Like you I take most of my photos indoors using backdrops, but that's because I have problems getting down to ground level . . . once down I can't get up without help.

      The lighting was really great, it's always best to take photos on overcast days rather than in full sun, because it doesn't create any shadows.
      Big hugs,

    3. Thanks Xanadu. I am, indeed, quite proud of myself. And, if it makes you feel better, I sometimes have trouble getting to the ground level too.

      I do agree, it's better to take photos when the sun isn't hitting hard, as the dolls won't look good. I learned that lesson with my pool pics. Best time for pics I would say it's early in the morning or later in the afternoon, before the sun sets.

      Thanks for your lovely comment.

  2. oh my love!! you did a fantastic job! not only your pictures a quite nice but you manage to go out your comfort Zone! this is fantastic. those photos are your reward! Bravo!!/ thank you for sharing, your Experience will help other without any doubt. I personally have no problem anymore taking dolls picture outdoor, but like you I was always concern about the security of my stuff. hand bag, props, other dolls etc, I have most of the time my hubby with me and he is so encouraging standing beside, carrying my stuff, even taking pictures of me taking pictures hee hee. At my first photo shoot, one Lady very courteous asked me what I was doing, and I told her that I was taking picture for a doll magazine contest. keep on doing, make more pictures you are quite good at it, and when the sun will be inviting you will be ready. and PLEASE share them with us. all my love

    1. Thank you so much for your beautiful words Dom! I really hope someone, at some point, finds this helpful. I am still a bit insecure about taking doll pics in public, but I hope that, as I keep doing it, I will feel more comfortable about it.

      We're lucky to have supportive partners, aren't we. Mine was very happy to help me search for nice and interesting spots. He also helped me carry the stuff, which was very helpful.

      I have a couple of locations in mind for my next outdoor photoshoot. And, don't worry, I'll share them here.

      Big hugs.

  3. These photos are just great, you did well! I love them. And you stepped outside your comfort zone! Yay!

    I can feel you when it comes to the anxiety and worrying about what others would think and I still, sometimes, feel this too taking my dolls out in public. At our cottage it is so different, we have a garden and a forest around us. At home it is different. Need to plan more.

    Outdoor photos are great in a good way when it comes to backgrounds and settings. The depth and light is already there and so is the seasonal colors too.

    At home I do have my hubby along, always. someone needs to keep an eye on the dolls...and me! :)

    Take care!

    1. Thanks Niina!

      I agree, if you don't have a garden you have to plan ahead and pack the dolls, a brush... and then you may have a regret that you didn't bring an specific doll. With a garden, you can just take the doll outside anytime.

      I do agree, they add so much texture to the photo, and it also gives a fee that the dolls are in the "real world".

      Take care you aswell!

  4. Your photos turned out beautiful, I really think you captured them so well, but I have to say that reading your post, it could have been me writing this as I so understand how you feel. I always feel so embarrassed when I try taking doll photos in public and am so uncomfortable with the stares. I've not had anyone say anything to me yet but probably that is because when anyone comes along, I'm usually stuffing the doll(s) back in my bag really quickly. I have missed so many great opportunities because of my reluctance to be seen with dolls in public. I wish I could just shrug it off and say "who cares!" but I can't.
    We recently moved from Sevilla to Malaga and where I am now, although there are lovely places to take photos, I no longer have my lovely garden to take private photos, so I am going to have to get braver at some point. My husband is supportive too but he does tend to get a bit exasperated with me and my 'faffing about' with the dolls and not wanting to be seen.
    Anyway, I will say again, I love these photos, they are just perfect!!!
    Hugs Sharon x

    1. Hi Sharon! I'm glad you liked my photos. Considering how nervous I was, I think they turned out quite nice.

      For the longest time, I felt I was the only "dumb" one that felt embarassed, but truth is many people feel that way. The main reason I wanted to write this post and "let it all out" was to start a conversation and make someone (including myself) feel less alone, or at least, understood. I also feel like I've missed so many opportunities, but hopefully I will learn to stop caring and get new opportunities.
      I hope you find the courage at some point and show us some pretty photos of your dolls around Malaga.
      Take care.

  5. I understand exactly how you feel! One of the limitations I have with outdoor photography is my physical inflexibility. I cannot easily crouch down to the ground to get a good shot, so I am limited as to where I can shoot a photo outdoors. I also have anxiety about taking pics of dolls in public. Reading this was helpful. Maybe I can get my daughter to come out with me and help. My eldest, who is a talented young artist told me not to long ago that she would like to try doing face repaints! Trying to get my family involved with my hobby too!

    1. Hi Phyllis! Sorry it took me a bit longer to reply.

      I'm glad you found it helpful, being able to help or encourage someone else was the main goal behind this post. If going with your daughters helps you find the courage to take outdoor photos, do it. Going with more people will make others not focus on what you are doing, but rather "divide" their attention, if that makes sense. You can also come up with the excuse that you're helping them with an art class project.

      Others have also mentioned the same flexibility issues, so you're not alone. I'm not the most flexible of them all. In fact, I'm quite inflexible for being relatively young. I'm going to gym class once a week to try to be in a better shape, but I never thought that could benefit my doll photography.

      Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope you're doing well.

  6. Hi YéYé, welcome to my blog!

    At this point, I don't think I could go on my own, I need some moral support from my partner. Next time I will probably just carry a backpack and put my dolls in there. Las time I used a box that was slightly taller than the dolls and put that inside the backpack. I also carried my purse, too many things.

    Thanks for your lovely comment. I'm glad that you like my photos. Hope I'll see you around here in the future.


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