Let's unpack that

Yes, you guessed it right! We are FINALLY in our new home. It's been a crazy journey, we've been waiting to move to this house for almost 2 years and it has finally happened. There were lots of setbacks, one of them being the fact that the town hall decided to remodel our street at the exact same time we were about to start renovating the house, so we had to wait until they were done. That put our spirits down a little bit, but as soon as we started with the renovation this summer, we were excited again.

Our house wasn't ready to move in until January, more or less by the time I was busy with exams. As soon as I finished, I had to take care of few things that still need to be done in the house, plus packing everything. Packing took me forever, specially books and doll stuff. We wanted to move late January-early February, but we didn't manage to move until the 18th, the day before I started college again. I still have my dolls in boxes, and a few of them are still in the old house, but I'm so busy I can't take care of that right now.

In my new doll/study/hobby room I will have a bit more space to store my dolls, but I will also have more space for a bigger desk or desks. In the first photo you can see the bookcases I use to store my dolls, classic Billy bookcases from IKEA. In the photo below is my desk. I'm planning to get a bigger desk or a couple of them in the future, so I can have one for my school things and another for my hobbies and photos. Sorry for the poor lightning, but the photos were taken the same day we moved, at night. 

Speaking of college, I mentioned at some point that I was planning on graduating this summer. Well, it turns out that I can't, because I still need to take 3 more classes. I chose to do a speciality in my degree, and that requires that you take certain classes. I could go on a long and boring explanation about how degrees work here, but long story short, I thought that the list of classes provided would grant me enough credits to graduate, but it turns out it doesn't. When I found that out, it felt like if someone just poured a jar of cold water on me. It is what it is, and there's not much I can do about it rather than taking those classes next year.

The bookshelves side, before we moved in

I'm not sure yet how busy will I be this semester, but I want to take a bit of time here and there to put all my doll stuff in place, and maybe even find the time to come here and share new dolly pics. My new house has better lighting for photography and my new kitchen backsplash has a beautiful stone texture that may look interesting as a background. It's a bit frustrating that I ended up moving so late, but at least I'm already here, and the time to play with dolls will arrive eventually.

I hope everyone is doing well, I will try to catch up with your blogs as soon as I get a bit of spare time. Please, let me know what have you been up to, aswell as any ideas you may have for my doll room. How do you store your dolls?

See you soon.


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  1. Congratulations on the move! You must be having mixed feelings about now, what with college starting and all the unpacking that's ahead of you, but I'm sure you will get all done eventually...just try not to stress over it.
    I use Billy bookcases for storing my dolls, clothes and other dolly stuff too, they are so versatile and I wouldn't know what to do without them. :)
    I will look forward to seeing how your doll room comes together.
    Big hugs,

    1. Hi Xanadu! Yes, "mixed feelings" is be the most appropiate term to define how I feel. I'm trying to take things as they come and not to stress over things that can't be helped or get frustrated because I don't have as much time as I would like to.

      I've been using Billy bookcases for a few years now, but so far I've just used the two that have doors on it, so they don't get dusty (plus, they're not in sight for noisy visitors).

      I would definitelly be sharing any progress I make in my doll room. It could be a small series in here.

      Have a great weekend.

    2. Thanks Linda! Yes, I'm quite relieved and, despite I wanted to move earlier, at least I did it before I started being too busy with school. I was very dissappointed the day I found out, but the next day I spoke to my teacher and I felt more optimistic. And, as you say, I know I'm almost at the finish line, so it's not that bad.

      Hugs to you too! Have a lovely weekend.

  2. Finally!! Brilliant news that you're now in your new home, I'm sure that the long wait was worth it. It looks like you have a nice big room for your dolly stuff, which is great. Billy bookcases are great, we had them in our house in Estepa for my dolls and our DVDs and books, but we left the in the house when we moved as we had no room for them here on the coast.
    I'm sorry to hear that you've got to do three more classes but hopefully you'll not get too stressed out over it, as you say, it is what it is.
    Have a great weekend in your new home!

    1. Hi Sharon. I can't believe I'm finally here! It still feels so weird, and I don't know where I have half of my things. My other doll room was a bit smaller, but the problem was that it became a hot mess. Now I have a chance to start over and hopefully keep this room tidy.

      Yes, taking extra classes is a bummer, but I'm taking the most difficult ones this semester that I'm not working and I'll take easier ones next year, that I may start working again.

      Have a great weekend you aswell.

  3. Ah, what a relief to finally be at the new place! Congratulations and good luck with rest! The place looks light and nice. Wonderful with more place for the dolls and stuff. I would need that too. Have some thoughts about emptying some shelfs near my workplace, but do not know where to put the stuff I have there at the moment. Haha.

    I can imagine the feeling of needing three more classes! Not fun, but you will make it and it will be a great feeling afterwards! Take one thing and one step at a time!

    At the moment I store my dolls in boxes and in a safe place in our living room. Some dolls I have on my desk at my workplace, just to rest my eyes on and remind myself of the positive energy they give me. We have a Billy bookcase in the living room and in the kids room, but both are covered with books, a dollhouse, games, tapes, DVD’s and other stuff. So, that is why I am thinking of giving the shelfs and cupboards a chance, some day.

    Enjoy the weekend!

    1. Hi Niina. Rearranging an space can feel overwhelming sometimes, specially if it's very cluttered already. I didn't fix my old doll room because I felt so overwhelmed, and since we were moving out, I didn't found it was necessary. You can get an accessory to put on top of your Billy bookcases that makes them taller, so you get an extra shelf.

      It was very frustrating, but I'm trying to focus on the positive part of it. Plus, my partner was very supportive and helped me feel better about that.

      I wil work on arranging my doll room and getting new furniture, but that will take a bit of time. We still don't have some basic home furniture and that takes a lot of time and money. I'll make sure to share the progress with you all.

      Have a great Sunday!

  4. Hello M.C.! I don't know if you want me to write in English or Spanish since your message on my blog was in Spanish, and you look like Spanish speaker. But I don't mind, I can write in English.
    It is great you finally moved as you wanted. And great news as well that your kitchen backsplash is a good background to take pictures to them, I am looking forward to see some of them!

    1. Hello Rosana. I am spanish indeed. You can write in spanish if you want to and I will reply in spanish.

      I'm really happy to finally be here, and I can't wait to find time to take new dolly pics. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. It looks like you will have a very nice place to store your dolls once you get everything unpacked! The glass doors look like they will let in some great light.

    I'm sorry that you have more school ahead than you thought you were going to have, but you're right that a good attitude is the best way to look at it.

    1. Hi Barb. The whole house has great natural light, specially this room. I can't wait to take advantage of it.

      It was a dissappointment, but I'm trying to stay positive. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Congrats on your move! I hope you're enjoying your new place. We moved this year too, and I have more space, but not a single suitable setting for photos.

    1. Hi BlackKitty. In general, is better than the old place, but I miss my big terrace to hang laundry.


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