
Showing posts from October, 2021

Sewing my first garment: basic tank top

If you've been following me for a while, you've probably heard me saying that I want to learn how to sew, but it never happened. Earlier this year, I made some progress towards it by sewing a handful of pillows for my dolls, which helped me practice some hand stitching. But finally, a couple of weeks ago, I decided to go for it and make a basic t-shirt.  My motivation to start sewing is not "This looks like a fun hobby", but rather "I need doll clothes and I don't like what Mattel is offering. Learning how to sew could solve that". I keep postponing sewing, probably because of my lack of confidence in my sewing skills (or simply lack of confidence, period). But I had to talk myself out of it, because the only way you can learn to do something is by actually doing it. It can go wrong, but I need to keep in mind that it is normal when you start something new.  This post isn't meant to teach anyone how to sew, but rather me sharing my learning journey. ...

How to: doll-size hardwood floor

Even since I started making these "Mix and match" backgrounds , I've been using the same plain white floor in most of my photos. For the longest time, I've been wanting to make a new floor design that would add some texture to my scenes. Thanks to a combination of getting side-tracked with other projects and me working at such a slow pace, I never got around it. But, in early September, the stars aligned, and I started making this hardwood floor. Originally, I was planning on making a marble effect floor, but since fall was around the corner, I thought this could be more suitable for fall-themed photos. As per usual, this post was meant to come out a bit earlier, but right after I published my last post I got a really bad week of migraines.  For this craft you will need: A plywood board or any cheap wooden board that holds glue well. Popsicle sticks. Roughly, you will use at least 200.  White glue.  Pruning scissors. Stain or paint (optional). I am using this board t...