Sunday crafts & rastro finds

Hey ghouls, how are you doing?
Our sunday has been a great day full of crafting success and some cool finds for our dolls.
We went to the rastro (some kind of flea market) to find some cool fabrics to make stuff for our dolls and we found a market stall that had some old clothes 2 pieces for 1 €. That was such a bargain! We ended up buying 6 pieces of clothes for just 3 €.  
We also found and old Barbie motorbike for 5€. It's a little bit too big and needs a little bit of repaint and customization, but I think it will work.
Once we were done with our shopping, we went back home and started working on a new sceneario for our photos. As I told you on a previous post, I wanted to have a brick wall background, but I couldn't find any scrapbook paper or adesive paper that suited me, so I did my very own one using photoshop and some resources I found on the internet. Here it is
I made it smaller than our Scaris background because I want it to be like a wall in which our dolls can sit and chat. It still needs some changes, but I'm not sure of what to do. Once it's finished, I'll make a "how we did it" post. But right now it seems to work right
What are you doing there Operetta?
I hope I can blog to you soon, we've received a new ghoul and I want to share some pics with you.


  1. Great find, the motorcycle is really cool, and I love your brick wall.

    1. Thanks Ginger! I want to make some kind of "sunny day" background to put it behind the wall, to simulate that our girls are in the park or something like that.
      Thanks for your lovely comment


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