How to repaint photo frames

Hi everyone! Just a quick post to tell you that I've finally uploaded my first Youtube video. It's not a doll video and it's quite simple, but I wanted something easy to get started. Also, I've been wanting to repaint this frames for a while, so this got me a good excuse.

Repainting photo frames is quite a simple thing, but I wanted something easy to follow with written instructions. For now I'm not planning on speaking on my videos, since my english pronunciation is much worse than my grammar LOL.  Here's the video:

It didn't end up looking as professional as I wanted it to be, and it also took me longer than expected. However, I hope to get better at it and improve the quality on future videos. I already have a couple of ideas, but probably I won't have time until June.

I would really appreciate your feedback on this video and any constructive critics will be welcome. Thanks for watchin!



  1. What a great idea! I will have to find you on YouTube and subscribe. :) I love watching people paint or do crafts as I find it very relaxing. I like that you didn't talk as it added to the "relaxing" part of the video (even though I would love to hear your voice and accent!). My only suggestion would maybe to put the camera a little bit closer, but I think it's good just as it is anyway.

    1. Hi Farrah Lily! I actually wanted to film like a cenital frame, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I totally agree, the camera should be closer, but the space is limited and we hadn't many possiblities. I'll try to figure out what to do next time. I think that I have a very high voice, so probably you won't find that relaxing, hahahaha!

  2. I thought it was really good! Of course, I have never done a YouTube video in my life so I really can't give you any hints! Did Mr. Monster help you with the taping?

    1. Hi Phyllis, I'm glad that you like it! Mr. Monster was behind the camera checking out that I didn't go off camera or that I didn't put my nose right in front of it (I have a tendecy to put my face too close to what I'm painting). He also did the zoom in the last part.

  3. Very nice! I agree with Farrah that it was very relaxing. I find a lot of craft videos jump too fast for me to keep up or they show only a snippet of what they are working on and then bam, there's the finished product. I like that you were pulled far away but I know that for smaller crafts you'll need to find a way to get closer.

    Looking forward to more!

    1. Hi Muff. I'm glad that you find it relaxing! I wasn't sure about the lenght of the video, as I didn't want it to be too long and make people skip to the end because it was too boring. I have a couple of ideas for future videos, like a Barbie accessories repaint video. Thank you so much for your feedback, I really appreciate it.


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