Barbie Crafts

Hello there doll lovers! How are you?

I haven't posted in a couple of weeks because Mr. Monster and I went on  a holiday trip to Italy, to visit the beautiful city of Florence, so we were quite busy preparing everything and I didn't have time to write any blog posts. 

As you might know, despite that I mainly collect Monster High dolls, I also have some playline Barbie dolls and a couple of Ever After High dolls, so some time ago I thought that it would be nice to make a blog post dedicated to those other dolls that I collect that are not Monster High.

Today is Barbie's turn. When I was a little girl, I had a lot of Barbies and I loved them, in fact, I never stopped loving Barbie, I just stopped playing with them. As an adult, I kept track of the new Barbie lines, but I never decided to buy them. I thought they were nice and pretty, but I never had the courage or whatever to buy them and start a collection. However, when in 2010 Mattel released the Monster High line, I automatically fell in love with them, specially I was very interested in Frankie Stein. Robecca Steam was the doll that made me decide to start a Monster High collection. Well, actually I was just going to buy a couple of dolls, and now I have more than 50 Monster High dolls. 

Despite my main interest were (and still are) Monster High dolls, some time ago I started feeling a renewed interest for the Barbie line, specially for a cute redhead called Midge. I wanted Life in the Dreamhouse Midge so badly, and it took me quite a long time to find her, but I finally got her during a trip to the Netherlands.

Life in the Dreamhouse Midge

Since then, I've been more interested in Barbie than before, and even got some Luxe Style Barbie dolls. However, as an adult, I haven't bought any Barbie character dolls (well, except for one Barbie silkstone that is still on her box) , I only have two Midge, one Raquelle and one Teresa. I'm more interested in the other characters mainly because as a child I only got Barbie character dolls and very few dolls from other characters that I loved like Christie or Teresa. 

Midge is one of my favourite characters, not only because she's a redhead, but also because she's got that vintage flare on  her style that I can't not just resist.

Midge dolls

Until this morning I still had Raquelle and Teresa on their boxes, so writting this post gave me a chance to unbox them. Here you have the Midge dolls next to Raquelle's box.

Raquelle is a nice doll and has a pretty good quality hair. Despite I prefered the look in the first wave of this line, I really like this look, specially the jeans shirt. However, I expected her to wear panties and not some ankle lenght leggings. 

Raquelle style luxe

Raquelle reminds me a little bit of the Kira dolls, that I always wanted as a child and never got, so I guess that's a reason why I like her.

Style luxe Midge and Raquelle

Teresa was another character that I never got as a child. I wasn't as interested in her like I was in Midge, but I liked the bohemian look she got in the Luxe Style line. It took me a while to find a Teresa doll that didn't have a rooted lashes malfunction, but finally, here she is.

 I love her green eyes and her light brunette hair and that combination of a romantic dress with a jean jacket is something that I will totally wear! Unfotunatelly, Teresa's hair is not as smooth as Raquelle's but at least is not as greasy as some Monster High dolls'.

Style Luxe Teresa Barbie

I really like this Luxe style line because the dolls come fully articulated and the outfits are more mature and realistic, instead of having that overdose of pink that we usually get in some playline Barbie dolls. However, I'm a bit concerned because some of the new releases on this line come in a narrow box and are not articulated.

Style Luxe Midge Teresa Barbie line

 I really want to get my hands on more Barbie Style dolls, specially that Nikki with blond strikes that came out some time ago but I still haven't found her. I also wish they made another wave like the second one featuring Midge, Teresa and that new doll with half shaved hair that we've seen on the Barbie Fashionistas line. 

Style Luxe Midge Teresa Raquelle

And this is my small Barbie collection... for now. I really hope I can make my Barbie family grow. 

Do you guys collect Barbie dolls? Who's your favourite character? Tell me what you think by commenting this post.

Blog to you soon. 



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