Doll review: Barbie Looks model 2 (curvy)

Hello and welcome to the first doll review of 2022. I haven't done a doll review in over a year, when I reviewed the BMR redhead guy, back in February 2021, so it was really about time. I used to do reviews back to back, but now I very rarely do so, due to the fact that I barely buy any dolls. This is due to the fact that I don't have much money to spend on dolls anymore, but also there hasn't been anything in the market that has really caught my eye recently. However, a few months back, Mattel put out this Barbie Looks line, and this particular doll was a standout for me. 

Barbie Looks 2 sitting on an orange and yellow backdrop

For those of you who aren't really into Barbie dolls, the Looks line is a collectors line consisting of 6 dolls that launched in summer 2021 (see them here). The line seems to pay homage to the Barbie Basics line from 2009, but with the addition of the made to move body and new face sculpts. Later that year, 3 new dolls have cme out.

These dolls original retail price is 20USD, which is a fair price, considering the first made to move dolls used to cost around 15-17$. In Spain, however, this dolls retail for 30€, that is roughly 33$. It is not uncommon that the prices of the dolls increase significantly once they get to the European stores (and other parts of the world too, but I can only speak from my experience here), often up to twice as much. However, when the BMR 1959 came to Spain, they kept them at the same price tag here than in the US, selling them for 30€, when they cost 30$. When this happened, I was hoping we kept this trend and future releases from Mattel had a similar price tag. It can be done, since they already did it with the BMR dolls. Confused by these pricing decisions, I made this meme. (Edit: I would like to point out that I didn't make this meme about this doll in specifically, but about Mattel's pricing in general over here. For example, the Star Wars Barbie dolls went from 100$ in the US to 180$ here.)

Girl struggling to do maths

Despite what I just said, I must say I felt some relief when I saw they were retailing for 30€ on Amazon, as the first European retailer that I found had them for 40€, twice as much as their original price. I also did not pay for this doll myself, as it was a gift from Mr. Monster, and I'm not sure how much he paid for this one. However, these don't seem to go down on sale for less than 25€, so I will assume he paid something close to her original retail price.

But enough rambling about pricing, and let's start with the actual review. These new Looks dolls come in these white boxes with a clear front. It's pretty simple yet slick, and I actually really like it. Packaging doesn't always need to be over the top, specially for this price point. 

On the back of the box, we can see the rest of the dolls on this line. The one I got is number 2 and is the only one in a curvy body. Please, excuse the terrible photo. I didn't notice how bad some of these photos were until I started working on this post. Also, I took the photos on different days, so you might notice some inconsistencies in quality, so my apologies in advance.

First look at this beautiful lady out of the box.

She uses a new sculpt called Elle that was created for this line. When I first saw this doll, I thought she used the Selma sculpt, but turns out it is a new one. Since I don't own any doll with the Selma sculpt, I can't take a comparison photo to see if they do look similar.

Her makeup is quite neutral, but has some metallic, mostly golden accents. For some reason, her makeup reminds me of Dolli, one of my favorite contestants of season 3 of Glow Up. Her signature look was a black smoky eye with a golden inner corner, which you can often see her wearing on her Instagram.  Dolli's is more dramatic, though, but the golden accents just reminded me of her. In case you aren't familiar with the show, it's a makeup competition that airs on the BBC in the UK, but in other countries you can watch it on Netflix. Each week, contestants are given a makeup challenge, like doing editorial makeup for a magazine photoshoot, or special effects for a TV show, and each week a contestant gets eliminated. 

But this post is not about Glow up, it's a doll review, so let's go back to the doll. She wears a simple black jumpsuit that ties on the back and silver ankle boots. This is the best photo that I got where you can see her full outfit. It is simple, but I feel like, with the right styling, it can look really nice. I specially like the upper part of it, and I think I could use it as a guide to make a bikini top or a flowy dress in the future.

Here's a close up of the ankle boots. I don't recall seeing these before, so maybe it's a new design.

As I mentioned, she uses the made to move body, which offers a wider range of poses. The first day I took photos of her, I had trouble getting photos I was happy with. Also, her articulations felt stiff, which didn't help. But when I decided to give it another go a few days ago, it went much smoother.

Bottom line, I'm really happy with this doll. I think she's a great addition to my collection, as she's quite different to other dolls I have. I do think this line has a great concept, I love the idea of taking the concept of Barbie Basics and adding the made to move body. Their original retail price (20$) is really good for a fully articulated doll that comes with a stand. However, 30€ is a bit pricey for what they are, not outrageously expensive, but a bit up priced. This one was the only one from the line I was willing to pay full price for, and also the blond one from the second wave (that, coincidentally, is the only one that isn't available in Spain). The rest of the line is cute, but I personally wouldn't pay full price for any of them. I'm not saying that you're in the wrong if you would, it's just that, for my personal taste and my current budget, it's not a priority. 

Elle with her hands on her hips. Orange and yellow background

I really hope Mattel keeps releasing dolls in this line. I know I'm not personally going to be able to buy all of them, but it's nice to see more made to move dolls in different body types and skin tones available. I don't think they need to keep adding new sculpts, which is also great, but I will also like to see sculpts that haven't been used in a while, like the Ana/Lara sculpt. I just hope they don't drop the ball with this line, like they usually do with some of their best lines. 

Let's end up the post on a little personal note. I don't think I've really spoken about this, but for a while I've had recurring migraines. They were quite under control but for the past few months (year, I would say), they've started getting worse and more frequent. I've been seeing a new doctor, and he's given me a preventive medication to see if I can go back to a somewhat normal life. It has a few side effects, but one of the biggest ones is that it really messes up with your attention span and your ability to focus. I already get distracted easily and don't have the best time-management skills, so I'm afraid this medication will leave me with the efficiency of a carrot. My biggest concern is that this medication will affect my ability to put content out there, specially on the blog, since English isn't my first language, but this is already being affected by the fact that I'm having migraines so often. It's nothing super concerning, and it's supposed to be temporary for just a few months. Just so you know that I might not be able to post so regularly for a few months.

Barbie Looks curvy outdoors

And that pretty much concludes my review on this doll. Let me know what do you think of this doll and line in general. Did you get any of these? Let me know. 

I don't have anything planned out for my next post. Currently, I'm trying to finish a sewing project that I hope I can share very soon with a fully dedicated post. I've also wanted to make some miniature paintings for the dollhouse and film the process for my Youtube channel, and I've been thinking I could write a dedicated post with the finished product here. But, with everything I mentioned above, I don't want to promise anything or get too ambitious until I see how things turn out.

I hope you're all doing well, and I'll see you as soon as possible.

Monster Crafts

Check out other Barbie Looks reviews:

Doll review: Barbie Looks model 12 (curvy)


  1. Your background color choices really brought this doll to life. I'm glad that you could get her for a reasonable price.

    As you know, there are bloggers out there who only blog in their native languages. You might want to consider blogging in Spanish for a while if it would be easier for you. Blogger has a sidebar app that allows one to translate the page into another language, so people could still read your blog.

    1. Thanks Barb. I usually find that dolls around this skin tone look great best in orange and yellow tones.

      I've been reading more about the side effects and the common ones seem to be slow reflexes (that's why driving is not recommended) and some problem focusing, which could give problems to students that are preparing for exams. I am positive that it's not going to give me much trouble to write in English, even if it takes me a bit longer. It could also be a great test of how fluent I actually am. But I do appreciate your suggestion.

  2. Forgot to say that I hope your migraine issues improve. Everyone in the BTEG family but me has had issues with them, so I have seen first hand how difficult they can be to deal with.

    1. Well, I did not see this second part. Thank you so much. I can confirm that it is, indeed, a complicated condition to have. I hope everyone in your family has found a treatment that works for them.

  3. Hello!
    Got a good laugh with the meme about Mattel’s calculating knowledge. I think that this even suits the shops that buy dolls and other toys from abroad. I have seen some of these Barbies, especially the line with BMR1959. That is one reason for me to buy directly from abroad or from a private seller instead of shopping from a local store.
    I love the packaging of the doll. Simple but yet so classic. Or as some may say; minimalistic. There is really no need for more, as you say. Her sculpt is amazing and I just love her hair. The jumpsuit is great and the make up is nice. The ankle boots I do not really like. It is not the color, but the shape. There is something off with them, can not really point out what.
    I am glad that she has a made to move body. The Barbie Extras have some movable joints, but not as much as MTM. I know that my Rose (BMR1959) has some trouble with the elbows and I had to really bend and twist a couple of times before it went smoother. I would love to own one of these dolls - the one you have or the dark guy. I have seen the asian petite, I think. Not so keen on her. Well, I will keep my eyes open.
    So sorry to hear about your recurring migraines. I hope that you can get some help from your new doctor and that you can enjoy life and dolls in some way, without feeling to much like a carrot. I can not even imagine how this is, because I rarely have pain in the head.
    Take care!

    1. Hi Niina!
      I often buy my dolls on Amazon if they go down on sale, or sometimes a local toy store that offers you discounts if you have the affinity card, but they don't have many products there. I used to buy from the US before shipping prices skyrocketed, and I would still get my dolls at cheaper prices than here.

      I think know what you mean about the boots. I feel like something about them feels a bit "dated". But nowadays I feel that things that look old-fashioned to me are trendy again, so it could be just me.

      I didn't do anything to fix her, I just let her sit there and, a few days later, her articulation was working much better. But if you have trouble, you can try holding your doll's arm over a cup of hot water (while you're making tea or something), to see if it loosens up. The asian one I would buy her if she went down on sale, but not on full price.

      Thank you for your good wishes. It's too soon to see the results, but I'm positive. Trust me, you don't want to experience them. Thank you so much for your kind words.

  4. I really like the potential of this line. I like the bodies, the faces, the simple outfits. That said I'm not a Barbie girl, so won't be getting any.
    If it helps you to blog in Spanish, do that. There's a million and fifty ways to translate.
    I hope your migraines improve soon!

    1. I also do see the potential in this line, but Mattel has this tendency to ruin good doll lines, so we'll see. I've kind of mentioned it under Barb's comment, but I'm quite positive I would still be able to write in English. I would also feel weird to start writing in Spanish all of sudden.
      Thank you so much, I also do hope they improve.

  5. Hi Linda! Although I don't like all the dolls in the line, I do like the line as a whole. I was thinking earlier on that the third wave should be denim. I'm really looking forward for the blond doll (that some people say looks like Miley Cyrus) to be available soon. The redhead one and long haired dude already are, but not her. Actually, I got the idea for the dress based on one that you made for one of your dolls (Holly, I think) a while back.

    I also cancelled my Netflix subscription a while back, not worth the money anymore. But then someone from my family created a new account and shared with us (we used to share it with them), so I have Netflix again for free. Season 3 is the best Glow up season, in my opinion, so definitely check it up if you have the chance.

    I always had them, but not too often, but when I switched jobs a few years back I started having them 3 times per week. I managed to get them under control, but now they're back with avengeance. I mostly associate them to things like weather changes, not sleeping well, stressful situations... which I often can't control. I also hope the medication works, I want to get some quality of life back.

    Big hugs to you too!

  6. Oh MC....I LOVE your meme!!!!! LOL!!!! I'm also happy that the price for the Barbies have come down a bit. When those first Barbie Basics came out, I noticed how much more they were priced in France! They were $20 in the US and 40 Euros in France! (Of course that included the 18.5% TVA)
    Wow---the resemblance between this doll and Dolli Glam is remarkable! Thank you for this review.
    Take care of yourself with that migraine. I've had friends who suffered with that and I know it is no joke. Post whenever you can. We'll all be here for you. Big dolly hugs. April.

    1. Hi April! In retrospect, now the old Barbie Basics feel a bit pricey considering that they weren't articulated. Or maybe these dolls are such a steal for 20$. The price difference in Europe has always been crazy, specially back then when prices were lower. But it seems that, despite my rant, prices have gotten a bit more even.

      Thank you. It is no joke indeed, and it can be a very debilitating condition. The side effects for the medication seem to be stronger at the beginning and go away as time goes, so I hope I can be back in a month or so. Big hugs to you too!

  7. Hello, I'm glad you were able to add it to your collection. I too have it with 3 others from his line and another from the second line. For the price I paid, that would be too much to explain with the problems I had with the biggest seller online... But after more than 6 months of waiting, I got them. For your health, I hope it gets better, because the most precious thing we have is our health. Rest well.

    1. Hello Shasarignis. Too bad you had trouble with the seller, but glad you finally got them. Not sure where you're located, but maybe there was some issue with shipping still due to the pandemic. Thank you so much for your well wishes. It's taking some time to reply to comments due to the meds, but I'm slowly getting things done. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Hi MC,
    Firstly on the doll front ... I think your choice was a good one, I really like her face and hair and even aside from the makeup, the similarity with Dolli is quite remarkable.
    On the personal side ... I do hope the medication helps you, migraines can be unbearable and certainly more than a distraction. You make sure to take care of yourself and don't stress about the blog posts, your dolly friends will always understand.
    Big hugs,

    1. Hi Xanadu! Welcome back!
      I also do like her face and hair, she's pretty different from all of my other dolls. Hope they keep using this sculpt in future dolls.

      Unfortunately, the medication hasn't helped me and I have to quit them. I will get more into detail when I'm able to come back, but so far I'm not ready. I'm doing OK, though, just not in the mood to do anything for the blog.

      Big hugs to you too.


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