A day by the pool

Wow, July arrived much sooner than I expected. Since this year college ended two weeks later than usual, I feel like summer is flying by much quicker. I've already made peace with the fact that won't be able to do all the things and write all the posts I would like to. Luckily, since next year I only have to take 3 classes, I will manage to find some time to post. 

This post is a bit unexpected, and it's not what I had planned to post next. I had planned a part 2 of my Dolls in a pool post, with an idea that I had had in mind for a few months. Unfortunately, it didn't work out and the photos didn't look very good, so I had to scratch that. Since I woke up with a headache a couple of times, I decided to take things slowly and a couple of "me days" to avoid getting sick (I usually get a bit sick right after college, due to the stress). Therefore, I hadn't been working on anything else. I was planning on doing a craft/ photo background type of post later on this summer, but I hadn't even started, plus I hadn't even unboxed my craft supplies (and I couldn't find them). I was going to start working on it during the weekend, and have it up as soon as I could, while trying to think on what to do next. But things took a turn when Mr. Monster and I got the opportunity to expend the afternoon at a beautiful house that has a garden and... a pool! So, I guess it's still going to be a "dolls in a pool" type of post. 

So, a little backstory, my sister-in-law is staying this summer in this beautiful house that's not very far from where we live. She told Mr. Monster that we could go over to take a bath and take some dolly pics. I'm going to be honest, I wasn't thrilled about the "take a bath" part of the invitation, but having the chance to take outdoor doll photos without having to worry about other people passing by was an opportunity that I couldn't miss. So, we packed a bunch of dolls, and got there, ready to take some dolly pics.

It was a really windy day, so taking pics of the dolls inside the pool was a bit tricky. Mr. Monster tried to help from inside the pool, but as soon as he stopped holding the doll, she would go adrift. In this pic, I'm sitting on the steps of the pool, trying to hold her still from her feet. Also, because of the sun position, I couldn't see my phone camera, so I didn't really know what I was taking pics of. 

Because it was so hard to take pics with the dolls inside the pool, I took some of the dolls next to it. For those of you curious about the floaties, they're from a Spanish retailer called Ale-Hop. I don't think they have stores outside Spain, but they're quite similar to the FlyingTiger stores. 

I also took the opportunity to take some photos around the garden. It's a huge garden, with a big variety of plants and trees, so I managed to take quite diverse pics. 

Because of the wind, making the dolls stand on their own was  quite a challenge, but I managed to take a few. I used a wooden dowel to help the dolls stand on their own. I pulled it into the soil and then tried to make the doll balance against it.

Despite the wind not being my friend in some pics, it also helped me to take some beautiful pics like this one from Victoria.

My sister-in-law also has a baby cat who's just a few months old. Apparently, he was very intrigued by the dolls and followed me part of the time. He also makes an appearance in some  photos.

Spot the cat

Overall, I'm quite happy with the photos I managed to take. I wish the pool photos were a bit better, but neither the wind nor the sun were my friends. We've spoken about going again in a couple of weeks, this time in the morning, hoping that, at least, it won't be so windy then. Will try to do better next time. 

I'm planning on doing a craft/ photo background type of post next, which I will try to have up in a couple of weeks. I hope that one works out, if not I will have to find out something else to write about. I'm also thinking on start a series of "random photos" posts. I do take a lot of photos for Instagram and, since not everyone has an account, I think it could be a way to share those photos here, as well as those that I edit but never post anywhere. I could talk about the inspiration behind the pics and show a bit of the "behind the scenes", despite the post not having a specific "theme" to it. A fellow blogger named Lily gave me the idea, as she also does something similar on her blog

I hope you're all doing well and coping as well as you can with this pandemic summer. As usual, let me know what you think in the comment section below, as well is you have ideas or suggestions for future posts. I definitely want to post content that enjoy writing about, but also content that my readers could have an interest in. 

Take care.

Monster Crafts. 

Ps. I made the teal chair years ago following this tutorial from My Froggy Stuff

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  1. I think that all of your pictures turned out well! I especially like the one with the doll in the pool. Victoria's hair blowing in the wind looks nice as well. It helps her look more alive. Random photos are a fine idea for a blog post. I just like looking at what other people are doing with their dolls.

    The only suggestion that I have is some of your dolls looking around your new place and telling us what they think about it.

    1. Hi Barb! That was quick! The one inside the pool was a nightmare to take. I took over 20 and that was the only decent one. Victoria's pic is one of my favourites, not just because of the hair blowing in the wind, but also the colors from the background really flatter her. I do have a lot more to share from this day, but I didn't want to put too many in one post.

      That's a great idea. I did think of doing something similar, but didn't think of my dolls giving their opinion. I did try to do something like that a couple of months ago, but all the photos were on my living room and they didn't turn out that great. The only problem I find to do that is that my place isn't exactly very tidy, so I will need to fix that first.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Love the idea of the random pics posts! Yes please:@) A redhead MTM is on my list of wanted dolls, (I'm guessing that's her in the first pic?), she looks great in your photos!

    1. Hi Lynn. I'm glad that you like the idea. That's not the redhead Made to Move, that's a Fashionista rebodied using the blue top "Teresa" made to move body. I do have the redhead and I did review here years ago: http://themonstercrafts.blogspot.com/2017/02/doll-review-barbie-made-to-move-redhead.html

      This is the Fashionista that's on my first photo: http://themonstercrafts.blogspot.com/2016/06/doll-review-barbie-fashionistas-donut.html

  3. Hi Linda! Oh no! I hope the injuries aren't too bad and that you will be able to recover soon. Redecorating is fun, but it's a lot of work.

    I'm glad that you like my pics. Victoria's seems to be a favourite. I have a couple more of her that are really beautiful aswell, but I like the wind effect on this one. I'm happy with some of the pool pics, but they aren't as good as I wanted them to be. Hopefully, next time they'll be better.

    Take care you too!

  4. I think the photographs turned out just fine. The dolls all look like they had a good time (laugh).

    My suggestion for a post would be to show behind the scenes shots of how you set up photographs. I always find that helpful. I am just one step up from cutting off my doll's heads, when I take pictures, so I find tips beneficial.

    1. Hi Dorothy! I'm glad that you like the photos. They did have great time indeed, and so did I.

      That's a great suggestion. I've posted some "behind the scenes" pics in the past, but I could go more in depth. I'm not the best photographer out there, but I could just write what I wish I knew when I started taking pics.

      Thanks for stopping by.

    2. Good to see a post from you again! I think your photos turned out great and I am rather envious of the time you and your dolls got to spend at the pool! I do understand your dilemma with trying to figure out what to do on your next post! I have all kinds of ideas in my head, but it is hard to plan out the post, get the photos taken and get everything to look as good as it does in your mind! I like Barb's idea as I have been planning a post of my dolls that are in the doll room whose lives have been turned topsy turvy with all the boxes and disarray! I have been taking some random photos to do a post soon.

    3. Hi Phyllis! I'm glad you like the photos. I often have a list of the posts I want to publish and more or less the order I want to publish them. Of course, I can't always stick to the plan, sometimes because I can't find an specific item I need, or I don't find enough time, or just because I have a new idea that I feel it's more interesting.

      I do agree, posting does actually take a lot of time, specially craft posts, because you have to wait for things to dry down and it just takes extra time. Plus, taking photos, editing them and then writting the whole thing takes time.

      Barb's idea seems to be something you all would enjoy, so I'll really should give it a go. Can't wait to see your next post and your "random photos".


  5. So envious of these dolls, I'd like to be laying around the pool in the sunshine myself, but instead we are back in lock down again for the next six weeks.
    Your photos brightened up my day MC, thank you. :)
    Big hugs,

    1. Hi Xanadu! I've just seen that a part of Australia is back to lockdown, but for some reason I thought it wouldn't be your area. Being in lockdown again must be a bummer, and I'm glad that my photos have brightened up your day. If it makes you feel better, I'm pretty sure that here in Spain we'll be back in lockdown as soon as September starts.

      Hugs to you too.

  6. Hola! Qué buena colección de fotos has conseguido hacer en la casa con piscina, hay que aprovechar estas ocasiones aunque el sol y el viento no acompañen para la fotografía. Seguro que tus chicas disfrutaron la sesión.

    ¡Sí, haz la sección "random photos"! Es genial que mi idea te haya inspirado para mostrar en una sola entrada esas fotos que no tienen un tema específico, así fue como se me ocurrió.

    Saludos ^^

    1. Hola Lily. Me alegra que te gusten las fotosLa verdad es que me pasé en total casi dos horas, entre dar vueltas por el sitio, cambiar a las muñecas de ropa, etc. Tengo fotos como para hacer otra entrada sólo con las fotos del jardín.

      Alguna vez he aprovechado las fotos "random" para algún post, pero no se me había ocurrido dedicarles una entrada.

      Que tengas un buen fin de semana

  7. Hello there! I always enjoy your photos and posts! And I would not mind a pool! These by the pool photos look great, and windy days can be rather rough at times. My doll Esther ones dived head first into sand and pebbles on a windy day at a beach. That was something scary. The photo in the pool and the photo of Victoria are my favourites. Cute with the spot the cat! :D
    I have a bit hard time with this pandemic when it comes to being at home and not be able to travel to our cottage. I miss the cottage so much, but it is the best for us all to stay at home. Cottage will be there when it is safe again.
    Dorothy had a great suggestion in her comment!
    Take care and I am off - time to read some study books!

    1. Hi Niina! Thanks, I'm glad that you like the photos. Balancing a doll out is already hard enough, let alone with wind. Victoria's photo seems to be the most popular. I have more photos of her in different poses, I may share them in future posts. The cat makes a cameo in more photos, but in some he's just a blurry spot, in that one you can tell that's a cat. I'm not a fan of how the doll looks, but I thought it would be cute.

      Too bad that your cottage is so far from where you live. Hopefully, things will start getting better soon. In Spain, borders are already open for certain countries, so maybe it wil change in Sweden soon.

      Behind the scenes is actually a great idea for a post. It's definitely something I would have found useful when I started, and it might be useful for someone new.

      Hope you are doing OK, studying hard and reading. Take care.

  8. I love these photos, they are so beautiful, the colours, the posing, everything! I think you did really well and you'd never know that it was very windy. I also love the non pool photos too, and hope that you will get the chance to go back again and take lots more for us to see :)

    1. Hi Sharon. Thanks, I'm glad you like them. I do agree, that the colours turned out nice. Unfortunately, tomorrow is the last chance I will have to go for now, so I'll have to try my best. I'm hoping that maybe I'll be able to visit again in late August, but, who knows? So far I'm happy with the photos I've managed to take.

      Thanks for your lovely comment.

  9. MC, your photos are spectacular! Working onsite out of doors is not easy, yet you made it look effortless. The dolls all look as though they are enjoying themselves. The lighting, the vivid colors...all enhance your photos. Bravo!

    1. Hi April. Thanks, I'm glad that you like my pics. I can tell you, it wasn't easy, but I'm overall happy with how they turned out. Both the dolls and I had a blast. I did go back a second time and got new photos, but I still haven't edited them. I'll try to share them soon.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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