Photo compilation: July-August 2021

Hello and welcome back to another photo compilation. Can you believe it's September already? This year is flying by so fast and, before we know it, it will be Christmas again. This compilation is going to be a short one, because these past few months I haven't been very inspired to take doll photos, and most of the ones I've published on Instagram I had published in the blog before. 

July started by publishing some outdoor photos. Remember the house with a pool? I got the chance to go back in late June and took a few photos of my BMR 1959 Kira having some fun. 

Kira wearing a swimsuit, by the pool

BMR 1959 Kira in the pool

I did get the chance to go back a few times more, but it was always too late and too hot to take photos. Hopefully, I'll have a chance to go at least once more before summer ends. 

BMR 1959 Kira next to a pool

Way back in March we did go to the same house and I took a few pics around the garden. Thinking that I wouldn't have the chance to go back this summer, I took a couple of pics of Kira by the pool. These photos sat in my computer until August, when I finally published them.

You will see a lot of photos of Kira in this compilation. I know that in my review of her I said I was quite disappointed with her, but now I'm starting to see her in a different light. 

Those photos from March weren't the oldest I published. At some point I had nothing prepared, and I went through some photos I took last summer and found these photos of Chloe that I hadn't published. 

The plants on the back in this photo are just some red geraniums in a pot, but they make such a beautiful backdrop. 

This summer I didn't take as many outdoor photos as I was planning to do, so I had to use my "indoor garden" to take some photos. You can check out my Outdoors, but make it indoors post to get the full scoop. 

I just got a few coasters that looked like pallets, so I used them as props for these photos. This photo of Chloe has to be my favorite from the set.

As some of you know, I want to learn how to sew, and I'm starting by making some doll size pillows. The whole idea behind these next photos was that I wanted to see the yellow pillow against the blue wall.

BMR 1959 Kira in a blue bedroom

BMR 1959 Kira with a pillow in a blue bedroom

I think it's a nice combination, but I could really use more pillows or a colorful duvet/bedsheet to bring more life to it. 

BMR1959 Kira sitting on a bed. Blue bedroom

Like the photos above, some of my photos start with the idea of a color combination that I have in mind. For these photos, I just wanted to do something fun and colorful using pink and blue. 


Barbie Fashionistas vitiligo doll with pink and blue background

For this photo, I changed the placement of the card stock paper to give a different effect, and used one of my colorful crates as a prop. 

And this is pretty much everything for this photo compilation. Let me know which ones are your favorites. These past days I've been more motivated to work on doll projects and take photos, which is always a good sign. Currently, I'm working on some doll-size bookcases, which probably will be the next post. After that, I may start working on a wooden floor for my photos, which I bet is going to be quite a time-consuming project. 

I don't have many ideas for non-craft related posts. I like doing crafts, but those posts take me the longest to write, and also editing photos of me painting and cutting stuff can get quite boring. So, if you have any ideas or suggestions, let me know in the comment section.

I hope you're all doing well, and I'll see you next time

Monster Crafts

PS: It's Atelier ni Shasha's 10th anniversary. Check out her latest blog post to find about the giveaways and discount coupons she's doing to celebrate it. 


  1. I like Courtney's and Chloe's pics the best. What a great find on the pallets! I'm glad to hear that you're still interested in pursuing sewing, too.

    1. Hi Barb! Those are some of my favorites too, but it could be because I really like that head sculpt. I must admit I haven't been practicing much sewing, but I would really like to be able to make at least a few simple garments in the future.

  2. Hi MC,
    It's difficult to choose a favourite, your photos are always lovely, but I really had to it would be the one with the geranium in the background.

    You shouldn't worry about posting your craft projects, I always enjoy them, so do your readers and I think that's because you enjoy making them so much your enthusiasm shows through. Even though they may take you a while to put together, the end results are always interesting, even to an old crafty hand like me.😁

    I'm also pleased you are persevering with the sewing. It will pay dividends in the future.
    Big hugs,

    1. Thanks Xanadu! The geranium one turned out lovely, I'm now considering getting a geranium plant for my own house.

      Thanks, I'm glad that you find my craft post useful. I do love crafting, and I didn't get the chance to do so up until very recently. I have seen your dioramas, and you are very skilled and your scenes look always very detailed.

      I really do think it will. I really hope to be able to expand my dolls' wardrobe in the near future.

      Big hugs to you too.

  3. Thanks Linda! I decided to change her clothes and give her another chance. She reminds me quite a lot of the 90s Kira dolls, which is the main reason I got her.

    It is a lot of work! Plus, it's often tricky to get decent photos of the process, specially if you don't have anyone at home that can help you with that. Currently I'm working on another craft post, but since it's a follow up to a previous post, it won't take as much time.

    You too, have a nice weekend.

  4. ¡Hola MC!

    Son todas las fotos geniales. Está bien eso de hacer "fotos por si acaso" y tenerlas reservadas, que nunca se sabe lo que puede ocurrir XD

    Fíjate, al final le has sacado el lado bueno de Kira, le has hecho bastantes fotos y en todas sale muy bonita. A veces hay que conocer y adaptarse a las carencias o defectos de las muñecas.

    El suelo de madera va a ser todo un reto, cuando lo termines le vas a sacar mucho partido.

    Que pases un buen fin de semana, que ya está a la vuelta de la esquina :)

    1. Muchas gracias Sion! La verdad es que casi todas las fotos de Kira las hice con bastante tiempo de diferencia, pero las he publicado todas casi al mismo tiempo. Cierto, de vez en cuando vale la pena sacar fotos de más. Alguna vez me ha pasado que la foto que creía que estaba genial no me ha gustado, y siempre va bien tener alguna de reserva.

      La verdad es que espero que quede bien. Por lo que he visto parece que llevan bastante tiempo y un montón de palitos de helado. A una mala, tendré que pensar un plan B.

      Gracias, espero que tú también pases un buen fin de semana.

  5. These are all really awesome looking. :D I really like the first photo of the doll with the red hair, the colors in the photo look awesome.

    1. Thanks Quinley! The outdoors truly has the best colors. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Hi MC! It's been a very, very hot month of August. You are to be commended for getting outside with your dolls. I LOVE the photos by the pool as well as those with the plants in the background. It's a simple technique that works so very well! I also love the others with the simple color blocked backgrounds, but those with slightly blurred backgrounds is so very lovely! By the way, those little pillows you made are absolutely adorable. It's always great to see a post from you. See you soon again!

    1. Hi April! It has been unbearable over here. Luckily temperatures are starting to go now. The outdoor ones are also some of my favorites, as they add dimension to the photo and beautiful colors. Thanks, I'm glad you like the pillows. I'm planning to do a few more, as well as play around with different sizes, and hopefully move to something a bit more complex.
      Thank you so much for your kind words.

  7. Hello again, dear 😘 Thanks so so much for the shoutout - recommendations from friends are always the sweetest 😚
    Your photos are always fun and full of life, they make people like me, who tend to analyze what I experience a lot, stop and smell the flowers (pun intended on the flower backgrounds you use 😁🥰). I can just rest my eyes and smile. Thank you for that.
    Yeah, about crafting and editing and blogging. I realized us craft bloggers are really the most hard-working bloggers out there because not only do write our own content, we also build something first, document the process, edit the whole material and publish. That's a tall order, compared to bloggers who do some Internet research, patch them up data and voila, they have content. It is not easy - what we do - so take your time, and just focus on the things you wanna talk about in your own process, dig deeper and share them here - we all are just waiting to here them and enjoy them. You don't need to make so much. Just go in deeper. Ask as many why's about ypur process. And us readers will be so amazed seeing how you do your art, nothing more. 🥰😘🥰

    1. Hi Shasha! You are more than welcome! I thought so many of my readers could benefit from the sale you have going on. I'm really happy that you like my photos and you find them full of life.

      I do agree, we work so hard. The process starts when you have to go around searching for supplies, which aren't always easy to find (at least where I live). Reviews and opinionated posts have some work too, but usually those take far less time to prepare. I've been thinking about making a behind the scenes on how I plan out a craft from scratch, from planning out the size to choosing the materials.

      Thank you so much for your lovely comment. You're always so kind and nice.

  8. Hello and hope that all is fine! Lovely photos and as Shasha posted above, full of life and fun! I enjoy looking at them and Chloe looks amazing. I can understand that Kira grows bit by bit. She is a special one and the second photo of her by the pool (in the pool) is my favourite!
    Enjoy October! Amazing how fast time goes by.

    1. Hi Niina! Thanks, I'm glad you like them. I just realized there's also lots of photos of Chloe, but she's one of my favorites. Those pool photos are really tricky to take, because you need to hold the doll from the foot, so she won't move.

      Hope you have a wonderful October too! Before we know it it will be Christmas again! Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Hi! I just found your blog today and I am enjoying it already! I am a photographer and artist and I love photographing my dolls. I love your work and it's nice to find someone out there in the world that doesn't think it's crazy for a grown woman to do doll photography.

    1. Hi Sue! Welcome to my blog! Thank you so much, I'm glad to hear that you like my photos. I'm not the best at it, but I like experimenting. I don't think it's weird, at all! In fact, all the comments above yours are grown up people (mostly women) who collect dolls and take doll photos.
      Thanks for stopping by!


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