Photo compilation: September 2023-February 2024

Well hello again! It's been a couple of months since my last post. As you probably know, because I've been repeating it ad nauseam, I've been very busy these past months with both school and the internship I'm doing. Luckily, classes are finally over, and I'm just busy with the internship, the "end of studies" project and preparing for my German A2 level exam. Sounds fun, right?

Usually, I do these photo compilations every other month with all the photos I've shared on Instagram during that time. But since September, I've barely posted anything, and most of the photos I've shared I took during my holiday trip to Vielha. I simply couldn't bring myself to make time to take photos. So basically, this post is going to be photos of Chloe and Victoria.

I've also not been enjoying Instagram much lately. I just don't feel inspired to take photos for that platform, and most of the time, when I post it's just for the sake of it. 

Artiga de Lin

I also took a couple of extra photos of Victoria during the Holidays, which I completely forgot to post on Instagram at the right time. It feels so weird sharing them in March! The last one is my favorite of them.

You may have seen some photo frames in the background of the photos. That was a craft that I started right before the school year and that I was planning to write a tutorial about, but then I got far less time than I expected. Hopefully, I'll find some time for it soon.

I want to come back to posting here eventually, but I want to take it slowly because I'm still quite busy. Currently, my two big doll motivations are making walls for my room in a bookcase (remember when I said I would use it during the school year and it never happened?) and also sewing some clothes for my dolls. It's time to start expanding my doll wardrobe again, and there's a pattern on Etsy I've been eyeing for quite some time.

I hope you're all doing well. What have you been up to? 

See you as soon as possible

Monster Crafts

This post was first published on If you see it published elsewhere, it's been plagiarized without my consent.


  1. Hi MC! I know the feeling of wanting to post but finding real life absorbing every minute of the day . . . it's very frustrating and can often lead to lack of motivation when it comes to creativity. However, there will come a time when things will naturally fall into place.
    Love the photos of the girls and yes I did notice the photo frame which adds a special touch to the background.
    Take it easy, we're not going anywhere. 🥰
    Big hugs,

    1. Hi Xanadu. I completely agree. I feel quite drained and not very motivated to make the extra effort to work on anything, really. But June is almost around the corner, so once I'm completely done with school I'll have more spare time.
      Thanks, I'm glad you like the frames. My photos tend to look very empty, but I feel like those fill up the space more.
      Big hugs to you too!

  2. Hi MC. Long time, no see. Due to family issues, I haven't been around too much either. It has been hard to motivate. But, my New Year's resolution is to be more present in our dolly community this year. It is hard, but little by little I am getting there.
    It's good to "see" you again. Big hugs.

    1. Hi April. Sorry to hear about your family issues. I know it's hard to be present in the dolly world when things in your family aren't going so well, but hopefully it can help you distract from your problems.
      Big hugs to you too!

  3. Guten Tag, MC! I'm glad to see you've just about gotten through all of the school stuff. It's always nice to see pictures from you. Are Vielha and Artiga de Lin from a local dialect? They don't seem like straight Spanish words, but maybe I'm wrong.

    1. Hallo Barb! Yes, you are correct, those aren't Spanish words. It's actually aranés, which is a local language. Vielha means "old", similar to the spanish word "vieja". I don't remember what Artiga meant though.
      Glad to see that you're still around!

  4. Hi MC, great to see a post from you! I love the little photo frame in the background, and of course your dolls look lovely as always. Also, congrats on finishing the course! You'll ace the final bits, I'm sure! I'm not doing anything doll related anymore, but do still sew - embroidery in human size called Sashiko, it's fun to do. Big hugs, Linda

    1. Hi Linda! Thanks it feels great to be kind of back. While I miss your blog, it's nice to see that you're still around reading our blogs. I had no idea what Sashiko was, but it looks beautiful!
      Big hugs to you too!

  5. Heyyyy MC! How busy can we get lately, right? I too have a lot to work on and write about for my blog as it's been monthssss of inactivity over there, too gaaaaa... Okay, just saying hi from the Philippine islands. Hope all is well with you there, love! xoxo - shasha

  6. Hi Shasha! Yes, life is so busy right now. I've just sent my German teacher another writing sample to prepare for my test.
    I've noticed that you've been inactive for a while, so I assumed you were busy creating new patterns for your store.
    I'm doing well, busy, but so far everything is fine. Hope you're all fine too!

  7. You have beautiful photos, as always. Wonderful landscapes in the background. Lovely dolls. I enjoy examining all the details in your photos💗

    1. Thanks Inesa. Sorry for the late reply, but I've been quite busy these past few months.

  8. Love the photos and the trip you made earlier. My favourite is the two first ones. I am looking for some patterns too - for a doll that hopefully arrives tomorrow. She is a 16 inch Robert Tonner doll and it would be great to make something for her.

    Inspiration often comes to me when ever I feel that this is not the right moment. It is always time for something else, that needs to be done - like sleeping. Can not be a night owl all the time. 😂I have been struggling with my studies, even if it is just part time. And then there is all the paper work after my dad and his passing. But slowly all things are getting done and at the moment I am looking forward to some time at the cottage. Hope to leave soon. Need some forest air, boars and the lake.

    Good luck with the exams and internship! 🍀


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