Ever After Crafts

Or I could just have called it: "An excuse to unbox Raven and Briar without doing a review". Well, honestly, for a long time I've been wanting to write a post about my Ever After High collection, which is still very small. It's kind of an overview post. It's a great chance to talk about those dolls that I have already unboxed and unbox those who I don't want to do a review about, so they can have their shinning moment on this blog. I did the same thing with my Barbie collection a while ago, and in case you haven't read it, you can just click here.

As I said, my Ever After High collection is still very small, as I only have 6 Ever After High dolls. I bought half of them (both Ravens and Briar) at bargain prices (10€), and the other 3 more or less at their regular prices. Here are they with Briar and Signature Raven still in their boxes. I think it's time to release them.

Briar was the last Ever After High doll that I bought. I spotted her on a bargain baskett when I was leaving a toy store and I HAD to take her with me. There were also some Blondie, Apple and Raven dolls, but since I already had Raven and I wasn't very interested in the other two, I picked Briar. 

Briar is a pretty doll. She's got tanned skin, brown hair and her signature color is pink.  I think she has a cute face, but somehow it's getting hard for me to get a good shot of her. 

I've had Signature Raven for over a year now, and she's been in a box since this week. She looks quite dark.

Signature Raven has more dramatic makeup and looks a little bit older than Getting Fairiest Raven. Here's a pic of both for comparison.

I bought both Darling and Ginger on Amazon.com when then had a sale on the Ever After High dolls, so with the shipping costs, they were more or less the same price I would have payed for them at a store.

Signature Ginger Breadhouse Darling Charming Monster Crafts

Overall, I'm happy with my Ever After High collection. I'm not as interested in this dolls as I am in Barbie or in the old Monster High dolls, but there are a few that I would like to get, like Melody Piper or signature Cedar Wood.

Speaking of other things, I've been working on my living room diorama and it's next to being a complete disaster. It's builded, but I'm not super happy with it and painting is going to be a complicated task. Also, I've been sick and I haven't worked much in crafts, so I don't think I will be able to build the TV and the TV stand that I had planned before University starts. 

So what have you been up to? Do you have an Ever After High collection?



  1. I love my Ever After High collection! I have about ...25 dolls at the moment, and there are at least a few more that I want to get. I just love all the bright colors on their clothes, and all the details. Of course, all the details seem to be a thing of the past now that the new dolls are coming out, but I certainly have a lot of EAH dolls already to enjoy.

    1. Hello Barb! That's quite a big collection!

      I like the details that they put in this dolls, specially the first ones, and there's still a couple more that I would like to get, but in my country they are hard to get. The new releases don't appeal to me as much as the older ones, so I may try to get some of those.

  2. I love EAH as well and am trying to finish up my collection. I definitely will be focusing on the older dolls and there are only 1 or 2 of the rebooted ones that I am interested in so far. I much prefer the older faces. :)

    1. Hello Farrah Lily! I prefer the older faces too, except for Maddie. I'd love to get some of the older dolls, like Cedar or Kitty, but the new releases don't appeal to me as much.

  3. I got signature Raven to have a sample of the body type and while I love the clothes, the doll itself has been sitting faceless in a dark closet for a year or two. I tried to repaint her twice, unsuccessfully. EAH don't appeal to me as much as MH. I just don't care for their big round faces that no amount of repainting can fix. I'd like to get maybe Melody because I need at least two of each type of doll to make a good display. But it's very far down my list of priorities.

    1. Hello BlackKitty! I totally agree with the headmolds, in Monster High they have unique headmolds that gives the dolls more personality. However, I still like the overall design of some characters. In my list of priorities it is in the "If I find a good deal" category, so if I find a good offer, I may get some of those.

  4. Cerise Hood is the only EAH lady I intentionally purchased and at full price too. I saw her and had to have her. That was way back in 2013 though. I do have the Ella and Hunter set, but Hunter was the only one I was interested in. The EAH faces are too similar to me and their fashions are very whimsical, which isn't to my tastes. I've overly particular when it comes to dolls with oversized heads.

    1. Hello Muff! I only have seen one Cerise Hood in a store and she had wonky eyes, so I didn' get her. When the Hat-tastic dolls came out, I tryied to get her, but she wasn't the only one I couldn't find. I'm considering getting the Ashlyn and Hunter set, but mainly because now it's half price. I like some of the EAH characters, but others are a little bit too fairy-ish (is that even a word?) for my taste.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Hello,

    I did not buy many EAH dolls when they were still in shops. I was a lot more into MH and I can't collect everything manically! lol
    Now I miss these dolls quite badly. I have found Cerise First Chapter and Raven in a Charity shop just after Chrismas 2019. I could not believe it. Cerise had still her ring attached and Raven... Oh MY! I am delighted. I only had a few I bought in shops and others from car boot sales. I also found recently Faybelle Thorn in a charity shop...with Maddie's hands!! LOL It's ok, I will remove the dots. Luckily, blue fits her colour theme.
    I miss MH and EAH and I realise how amazing these dolls were compared to what I can see in stores now. I hope I will find more EAH in thrift stores and car boot sale in the future. I love Ginger. She was the first EAH I bought!
    Small collections are quite nice really. We can appreciate the dolls we have more.

    1. Hi there!

      I didn't buy many EAH dolls when I had the chance because, like you, I was more into Monster High. I missed on some dolls, but the ones I have are the ones I was most interested in. The only one that I miss the most is Cedar Wood, but it is what it is.

      I also miss EAH and Monster High, I wish Mattel gave those lines a second chance, but with Garrett Sander leaving Mattel, I don't know if they will re-relase the line.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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