Doll Review: Barbie Fashionista "Fancy in Flowers"

Hello everyone! I swear I try to blog almost everyday, but stuff and life happen and I never find the time. I still have a few dolls to review before the new semester starts and, as usual, a ton of crafts projects that I haven't even started. Today I finally have found some time to write this review, even though I took the photos over a week ago.

The doll in today's review is Barbie Fashionista "Fancy in Flowers". I liked this doll because of her big hair and her really dark skin, but a couple of things could be better. Let's start.

The box has the same as the other Fashionistas, only this time it has a flower pattern.

Finally, she's out of the box. I'm not sure if I like that both arms are bended.

She has very dark skin, brown eyes and fushia lipstick. Her head sculpt is quite new, as I think it appeared for the first time in this Fashionistas wave. It doesn't have an official name, but people seem to call it "Kim".

In her promo pics her hair looks shorter and her curls bigger, but I like the type of curls she has. However, it's quite messy on the back of her head.

She wears baby blue earrings that look like a chandelier. 

This doll uses a model muse body so her hips are inclined to one side. one of her knees is bended to give more naturality to the pose, but her leg with bended knee is much longer than the other one.  I guess she's supposed to pose with her left leg separated from the body, but is this different normal? My Donut Top doll didn't have such a difference. 

She wears a yellow dress with a flower pattern on it. I'm not a fan of yellow, but the color really suits her.

She wears baby blue sandals, the same shade as her earrings.

I chose this doll because she was different to my other dolls. I really liked her dark skin and her curly hair, but I can't stand the body. I hope I can get an articulated body for her at some point, maybe if Mattel decides to give us a Made To Move body with her skin tone.

Even though the new Fashionistas don't have official names, fans seem to call this one Chandra. Originally, Chandra was part of the So In Style line, but since I don't have any dolls from that line, this one could take that name. What do you think?

So what do you guys think of Fancy in Flowers? Do you know which articulated body could match her?



  1. Fancy in Flowers is a pretty doll, but I agree, her body is atrocious! The AA Girls of Music Playset is a good color match for her. Not MTM, but decent enough articulation.

    1. Hi Phyllis! Thanks, I thought of her, but I think she isn't still avaliable in Spain. I guess her articulation is simlar to the Style Luxe dolls. Thanks for your comment.

  2. Hi Kristina! Maybe there are two variants of the doll's hair, depending of when they were manufactured. I've noticed also some difference in the boxes between dolls sold in USA and dolls sold in Europe. Phyllis suggested a great body match in the coment below, so we could try to get her.
    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Even when Barbie Basics were all the rage I could not stand those Model Muse bodies. They are just mannequins basically and I think they make the dolls look static. I do love that darker skin tone though.

    1. Hi Muff! I'm not a fan of those bodies either, but this one is specially horrible. I wish they did more dolls with this skin tone.


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