Doll Review: Barbie Fashionistas Curvy "Platinum Pop"

Hi everyone! How are you? Lately, I haven't been in the mood for blogging or even posting on my social media. I've been having problems at my job with a new schedule that is horrible and my coworker's bad mood. Besides that, we've been busy with some family appointments that we had, so that left me with less time for blogging. But nevermind, I don't want to bore you with my problems, so let's talk about something more fun: dolls!

Today I'm going to review Barbie Fashionista #63 "Platinum Pop" , from this year's Fashionistas collection. This doll has the new curvy body and, since the first time I saw her, I new I wanted her in my collection.

As usual, I'm going to show you a pic of the box, even thought there's nothing special about it. I like the lightning bolts background though

And here she is, out of the box.

Platinum Pop uses the Skipper headmold, has brownish green eyes and mauve lipstick. Her eyes are not perfectly even, but she still looks cute. Actually, she looks a lot like Donut Top. 

She has platinum silver hair that's tied up on top in a half ponytail. It's quite poorly rooten, but I'm not surprised. 

Usually dolls have their scalp painted in a color that matches their hair, but this one has her scalp painted black, because apparently, it enhances the silver.

She wears a rather simple navy blue dress with a pop pattern. The dress isn't very intricate, but I like it better than Style So Sweet.

She wears red high heel shoes with stripes. If you're feeling a deja vu it's because Plaid on Plaid wears the same shoes in navy blue.

Overall, I'm happy with Platinum Pop. I love the Skipper headmold and her face looks so cute. However, they could put a little bit more effort in the outfits and the quality, even if instead of getting 40 dolls per year we only got 15.

 I usually ask for name suggestions for my dolls, but I already have one for her. Since her hair is platinum blonde, I've thought of calling her Dinah, like Dinah Lance, a.k.a Black Canary. 

 So what do you guys think of Platinum Pop? Do you have her in your collection?



  1. In your first photo I didn't think she looked curvy at all but when she's facing forward her hips do look wider. I like the hair color but the fit of that dress really makes it look like a shirt and she forgot her pants. I think she would look great if her hair was curly.

    1. Hey Muff! Her hair is quite thin, so maybe the curls would make her bald spots be more noticeable. I totally agree about the shirt thing, but at least it looks better than that dreadful Style so Sweet scrub.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Hey guess what? You won second place in my International Birthday Giveaway on my blog. Go to my blog to check it out and see what you won and how to claim it! Hopefully, that will lift your spirits a little too!

  3. I think she's cute. I'd like her in my collection, but I haven't gotten her yet. She's on her way though. I'm not crazy about that dress although I agree it looks better than the shift on the Popsicle Petite doll. YouTuber LaToya Denise's channel Aminifullife has this doll and she's called Winter there. I like the colors she has her doll wear.

    1. Hello! Sorry I didn't reply before. Winter is a great name for her too, as her hair looks a little bit snowy.
      Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I like the name "Platinum Pop." It's catchy. Thanks for the review!

    1. Hi Chelly! I do like the name aswell. Thanks for stopping by.


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