Photo compilation: July-August 2022

Hello again and welcome back to another Photo compilation. If this is your first time here, this is the series on my blog where I share the photos I've been posting on Instagram for the last two months, and sometimes share a bit of extra information or behind the scenes shots about them. This month it's time to take a look at the photos I took between July and August. 

I barely published any new photos in July, as I wasn't very inspired. But, after we came back from our trip, I had a bunch of new photos to share. You've already seen most of them on the dedicated post, but there's a few I didn't share here. 

This photo of Victoria was a pain to take. Because of the shape of this rock, I had to be on the squats to get a decent angle. Meanwhile, a very annoying fly kept buzzing on my ear, which added some distraction to an already uncomfortable pose. This was the best shot I could get. I'm quite happy with it, to be honest, although I think it could be better. 

Before we went on holidays, I took a few quick photos on my balcony. I had just bought a paperflower plant (bougainvillea), and I decided I wanted to take some quick photos of my dolls against it. It's still very small and doesn't give the same effect as the big ones, but I just love that color. The other two plants are two basil plants that my mom gave me. 

We will transplant it very soon to its permanent pot and add some sort of grid or lattice on the wall for it to grow. I don't plan to let it grow too massive, but just big enough for photos. 

Last, but certainly not least, a few photos I took using my textured wall. These were totally improvised, and taken last minute, because I wasn't happy with the photos I had planned to publish. I had some summer photos that I took at my BIL's apartment complex, but when I went to edit them, I simply did not like them. To be fair, I didn't put much effort into them, and I just took a few quick photos while Mr. Monster was playing with my nephews. Anyway, I managed to take a few indoor photos that I was happy with. Of course, featuring the last crate bookshelf that I made

I made this wall a while back and I have barely used it. As much as I like how the textured effect looks on camera, I don't think it works well with the furniture I have. Maybe I should consider making a second version using a warmer tone, or make some furniture that would work with it. 

And that's pretty much all I have to share today. I haven't been very inspired to take doll photos for a while, so if it wasn't for our little trip, I would have barely taken any new photos.  I'm not going to force myself to take photos just for the sake of it, but rather just when I feel like it. 

School starts in a week, so I most definitely will have less time to spend here on the blog. I have made some extra miniature vases for a quick tutorial, coming soon. The craft is already made, which is half of the work. I just need to write the actual post and edit the photos. I also got a new Barbie on sale that I would love to review here. But other than that, I don't have more content planned for the next months. There probably won't be as much content here, as I already know I have a hard time balancing school with the blog. But I will try to stop by to say hi, and keep updated with your blogs. 

I hope that you're all doing well and I'll see you as soon as possible.

Monster Crafts

This post was first published on If you see it published anywhere else, it has been plagiarized without my consent. 


  1. Victoria looks like she enjoyed her vacation with you, and it's always nice to see your photos. I haven't felt interest in any of my hobbies recently, although I have felt motivated to clean and organize, which will pay off in the long run, at least. Maybe it was the August heat.

    1. Thanks Barb! I also haven't been very motivated to do anything hobby related, even though I've managed to get a couple of things done. The heat doesn't help at all, specially here where we still are having temperatures up to 32ºC. Maybe I'll find some motivation as soon as I start school.

  2. Thanks Linda! She is indeed very pretty, but at first I had a hard time photographing her. Thanks for the heads-up on your blog. I hope you're feeling better, and you'll be able to start blogging again soon.


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