New doll: Barbie Fashionista 185 (curly hair and freckles)

 April has just arrived, and Easter break is about to start, which means I won't have school for a few days. And honestly, it was about time. I had a few relaxed days after the exams, but then we got a whole load of work to do before the break. But finally, here we are, about to unbox a new doll.

This is Barbie Fashionistas #185, that came out probably last year. Mr. Monster bought her for me a while back and she's been sitting in her box waiting to be unboxed, and her time has finally come. This is not going to be a very in-depth review, as this doll has been on the market for a while now, but I still want to take the chance to take some pics of her and let you know what I like and don't like about her. 

A quick mention about the box. For a couple of years now, Mattel has been doing this plastic "pencil case like" boxes for the Barbie Fashionistas. I guess the idea behind it is to waste less plastic, as this can be reused. It looks like a good way to transport dolls while travelling. However, if a kid has quite a few of these dolls, I wonder how many of these cases are going to be reused and how many are going to be thrown away.

I'm not really in the market to buy more stiff Fashionistas, but when I saw this one, I found her very cute with those freckles and her beautiful textured hair. On top of that, I found that her outfit looked nice for what some Fashionistas wear. So, I put her on my list and got her when Mr. Monster found her on sale.

While I do think she has a beautiful face, her face paint is pixelated, which sadly something you can find on some Mattel dolls. Also, the face paint feels a bit glossier than usual, which made her a bit harder to photograph. Besides that, she is as cute as a button. 

I'm not sure about what sculpt she uses. At first, I thought she used the Dreamhouse Nikki sculpt, but the back of her head says 2011, which could mean she uses the playline Mbili sculpt.

I like the overall design of her dress and this bleached denim print they've used. However, you can tell it's not very well made and those silicone straps are probably going to break in a couple of years. But I do feel this could an easy dress to recreate, so let's add it to my ever-growing list of "things I want to sew". 

What I do not like at all are her shoes. She's wearing these white boots that look like they're too big for her. And, to add wound to the injury, her heels are bent. 

Since I didn't like the boots, I decided to change them for these silver sandals that came with Fashionista "Pretty in paisley". I'm not completely sold on them, but at least I like them better than those boots. 

Overall, I'm quite happy with her. It's a pity that her face is pixelated, but I do understand that these dolls are designed for a kid to play with, not for me, an adult, to photograph. She is still cute. Really, I don't have anything else to say about her besides that she's adorable, but quality-wise there are a couple of things that could be improved. 

Thanks to everyone that took the time to leave a comment on my last post. Some of you really went above and beyond to leave such detailed tips. I think I'm going to focus first on making a basic dress, even if it's not the exact same design as the one on Barbie Style; and the ribbed jacket once I find the right materials (since I decided to make it, colorful ribbed socks are nowhere to be found). As for the dress, while I was taking photos, I kept wondering if it would fit original Barbies, as this would be a wonderful guide to make basic dresses. Turns out it does.

(Update 10th April: turns out this doll is not a petite Barbie, but an original body Barbie. I don't know why I thought she was a petite, and sorry if my review mislead you). 

Since I've been busy, I haven't finished the swimwear I was working on, so I will finish that first and then try to work on a basic dress pattern. I do have some content planned for the next month or so, but I'll make sure to share it over here once it's finished.

I hope you're all doing well. I will drop by your blogs these next couple of days to see what you're up to. Take care.

Monster Crafts

This post was first published on If you see it published elsewhere, it's been plagiarized without my consent.


  1. I agree she is a pretty girl MC, and I really like the way she's styled. It's funny, but when I first saw her she looked familiar to me, it took me a few moments to figure out why . . . she looks exactly like one of the dancers that attend our Jazz Club who wears her hair that way. :)

    I'm glad you are finally getting a few moments to yourself. All the studying must consume most of your time, but you really deserve some time out.
    Enjoy your Easter break, big hugs,

    1. Thanks Xanadu. It sometimes happens that dolls remind us of someone else. Her hairstyle reminds me of Dolores, from the movie Encanto.
      Yes, it ended up taking way more time than I originally anticipated. But the good news is that now I have some time for me, and summer is just around the corner.
      Big hugs to you too.

  2. Hello! I like this doll and her beautiful dress. For the longest time, I was used to seeing Barbie dolls with pixelated faces, so it was quite unusual for me as well. I even have two articulated Barbie dolls with pixelated faces, and one of them is still in its package. Your post really inspired me. I want to open the box as soon as possible and give my Barbie doll the attention it deserves. Thank you for sharing your amazing content!

    1. Hi Inesa! Yes, some dolls from these past few years might have pixelated faces, including the BMR1959 redhead Ken. I thought Mattel had stopped this, but it looks they haven't. It's really hit or miss. I encourage you to open a doll and take lots of photos of her.
      Thanks to you for being an awesome reader.

  3. She is very cute. It's too bad about the flaws, especially those shoes. I've never seen heels bend as badly as those. I wonder if they are too big because they aren't for petite sizes. I was going to bring up on my blog at some point that I am really disappointed how Mattel has dropped the ball on petite/tall clothes and shoes. People predicted that from the beginning, though. Anyway, she looks like she will like living with you.

    1. Hi Barb! I've seen heels bent, but often they were made in a softer, a bit more rubbery plastic. These are hard plastic.
      I do agree that they've dropped the ball, but not just with the fashions. When they launch Barbie Fashions, they usually do between 4 and 6 packs. I don't think it would be that hard or expensive for them to make 1 or 2 of those packs for a different body type, like the curvy or petite. At this point, they probably have enough patterns and shoe molds for the curvy bodies to make it possible without much investment.
      Honestly, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic, or the Barbie line in general.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. ¡Hola! Es una Barbie preciosa, su pelo me gusta mucho y tiene una cara muy bonita. En cuanto a la calidad... Que sea principalmente para el público infantil no quita que debería tener unos mínimos, y eso de las caras pixeladas me parece el acabose. ¿Acaso las playline de los 2000 hacia atrás las tenían? Mattel, una compañía millonaria, queriendo ahorrar costes... Es que hasta las Barbies de colección, que siempre me dejaban impresionada, a partir de la pasada década empezaron a decaer estrepitosamente. Aún no he podido sacar de la caja mis nuevas Monster High (tengo que esperar a mi cumpleaños :S), pero espero que no me defrauden en ese sentido (y en ninguno, porque la Draculaura de la G3 me parece perfecta).
    ¡Disfruta la Semana Santa (yo estoy bastante liada avanzando trabajos del máster)!

    1. Hola! La verdad es que es mona. Yo también creo que deberían mejorar la calidad en general. El vestido podría estar mejor cosido, por ejemplo, y lo de las caras pixeladas no creo que realmente les suponga tanto ahorro. Pero bueno, algunas pequeñas cosas se las puedo perdonar a las muñecas playline más baratas, pero no en otras más caras. Yo también creo que, con los recursos y beneficios que tiene Mattel, podrían hacer las cosas mejor con Barbie, a nivel de calidad y de desarrollo de producto.
      No he visto muchas quejas respecto a la calidad de las nuevas Monster High, pero espero que no te defrauden. A pesar de los trabajos, espero que tengas una buena Semana Santa y un feliz cumpleaños!

  5. I don't love them either, plus they look a bit dated. I do agree about the heels needing to be sturdy. If I end up making it again, I will probably end up using some muted yellow fabric I have lying around.
    Unfortunately, the calmer days are going by faster than I would want them to. Hugs to you too!

  6. shoes looks good .

  7. She is a cute one and I have seen these at the local toy store. They had a bunch of different ones and I could see that these dolls are more for the kids to play with, rather than for collectors and photographers. Some of the outfits were amazing. Sad with the shoes. They could have done it better.
    Glad that you could have some dolly-time before the last rough weeks start.

    1. It's taking me forever to get back to all the comments! I do agree that these are for kids, but this one in particular is very cute, and her outfit is quite decent design-wise for what Mattel has been putting out these days.
      Thanks for taking the time to keep up with all of my posts.


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