Photo compilation: November-December 2021 (plus 2021 recap)

Hello again and happy New Year! How is 2022 treating you so far? It is crazy how 2021 has come and gone in the blink of an eye. As per usual, I haven't managed to do all the things I had planned for 2021, but we'll get to that later. On this very first post of 2022 we're taking a look at my last photos of 2021 and doing a quick recap of my year. 

The last half of 2021 I wasn't very inspired to take doll photos. I've had a few bursts of inspirations here and there, but for the most part I've been taking photos for the sake of it. The majority of photos I've been posting on Instagram you've already seen here, but I sometimes have a few extra that don't make the final post or that I take just because "everything is set up". This very first photo of Victoria is one example of the later case. It's also my favorite from this set. 

The background I've used here is the color Light Mocha by Americana Acrylics. It's the exact same on all three photos, but due to the lightning it does look different on camera. 

This one was one of those that I took for the post, but ended up not making the cut. 

It took me a while to start taking Holiday themed photos. I wasn't very inspired to do so, and my ring light broke. But luckily before that, I took these black and white photos using my Christmas decor as a prop. It had been a while since I last took black and white photos, so I had to try different adjustments until I was happy with the results. 

It's just one of those glittery cones that light up. I believe I got it from Leroy Merlin (a gardening and DIY store) a few years ago. 

I took a break from Instagram a few days after I published all of my Holiday photos. It wasn't intentional, I just didn't think of preparing content to publish after Christmas, and I was too busy to take photos on the spot. But right before New Year's Eve I took a couple of mornings to take pics. 

Remember the post I did inspired by Barbie Style? When I looking back at my blog posts, I realized I hadn't been practicing or experimenting with lightning that much. So, I thought it could be a great oportunity to give it another try. In this photo, Asha has just woken up and is ready to start her day. 

I wasn't as happy with the results I got as I was when I wrote the post, but I still got a few photos that I liked, despite the shadows not being very visible. In this photo down below, I used a natural miniature tree that I found on Lidl. 

On one of my last posts, I mentioned to Linda that I had an individual table mat/place mat that I sometimes used as a rug for photos. This made me realize it had been a while since I last used it, so I decided to use it for this last photo. 

I know that I mentioned that I didn't do all the things that I had planned in 2021, but looking back, I actually did get a lot of things done. I did publish 26 posts on 2021, which is an average of one post every other week. 10 of said posts have been a craft project, including wainscots and other background elements. It might not seem like a lot, but craft posts take the longest to prepare, and it's still hard to believe for me that I have time to create so many things and share it with the blogosphere. This is what I wanted to do when I started, but couldn't find time to do so, and I was lucky if I managed to post one craft project per year. 

Even though I didn't manage to do all the projects I had planned, I did do some bigger projects like the wooden floor or the pergola, which took a considerable amount of time to prepare. Probably one of the things that I'm most proud of is that I sew my first doll garment. Yes, I know it looks rough, but I'm happy that I have started learning something that I wanted to learn for so long. 

I started 2021 pretty strong, putting out content left and right, both here and on my cooking blog. But, towards the end of the year, I started loosing some steam and  falling behind on some projects. You've also been hearing me say that I haven't been very inspired to take doll photos. It might be some pandemic fatigue getting to me, but I also think Instagram has had something to do with my lack of motivation to take doll photos. The way Instagram works makes you want to constantly be active on the platform and put content out on a regular basis. I got a bit sucked into that, and I started taking photos just to put content out, instead of giving myself some time to think what I want to do and take photos just because I want to and not because I have to. Also, now they seem to promote videos over photos, and I'm not biting that bullet. I don't really like making videos, but if I'm taking time to make them, it's going to be for Youtube, where at least they can be monetized. So yeah, in 2022 you will be seeing less of me on Instagram, but hopefully that will translate to me being more motivated and better content. 

I have some projects planned for 2022, some of which are things that couldn't get done in 2021. My dolls are in serious need of a couch or some sort of sitting area, so that I hope I can get it done during the first half of the year. I want to keep expanding the mix'n'match background series, and come up with elements that can add volume (like a fireplace). I would also love to start experimenting with new materials, to see what works best for me. There are a few projects I would love to give another try and make a "part 2", like the crate console or the miniature artwork.  And, of course, I want to keep practicing my sewing and be able to create a handful of garments before the end of the year.  

Thanks to everyone who has supported my blog in 2021, whether you are a regular reader or just a casual visitor. I truly enjoy the interaction in the comment section and reading your feedback. Specially I love seeing when you do something inspired by my little blog, it's so rewarding to see that I've inspired someone, even if it's just one little thing. 

Hope you've all had an amazing Christmas time with your loved ones, and I wish you have a great 2022. On January 5th we're celebrating the Three Wise Men Night, and we're getting some gifts, so depending on what I get I might do a "What I got for Christmas" post next. 

Monster Crafts

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Photo compilation: November-December 2020 (plus 2020 recap)


  1. I really like the first and second photo. I hope you have a Happy New Year's! :)

  2. And a very Happy New Year to you! I look forward to seeing more from you in the coming year. I will be working more diligently on my doll room and my dolls will share with you all on the progress that is being made! I have become more active on Instagram and have even participated in some LIVE events and thus have made some friends and this has enabled me to sell some things too. Since my blog is what got me started, I hope to continue to post there too!

    1. Thanks Phyllis! Doll rooms seem to always be a work in progress, as often we buy more dolls or need more room for crafts. I would really love to see more posts from you, specially a doll room tour. We can always get ideas when we see how others organize their stuff. For a while now I've wanted to do a more in-depth room tour and show how I store all of my doll stuff, but I never get around it.
      I have met a couple of nice people over on Instagram, but at some point I started getting burned out. I'm still going to be on there, but without pressuring myself to post on a schedule.

  3. You have been very productive! I hope to be at least a more active reader. Last year I mostly bought new dolls and fixed their hair or clothes.

    1. I work at such a slow pace that, when I looked back, I was quite surprised at the amount of things I did. Fixing dolls' hair and clothes is another type of craft, that sadly I'm not very good at.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Happy New Year, MC dolling! Wow, 2022 already! And we're still here talking about dolls and miniature crafting! Isn't that amazing?

    I totally agree with you saying 2021 just went by with a blink of an eye. Whew! Yet, we survived! It's just so amazing, despite how fast-paced it was.

    By the way, since you mentioned you want to play with lighting techniques for your future dioramas, check out this private Facebook group - Articulated Comic Book Art - amazing source of inspiration. I'm so excited to create diorama scenes this year thanks to this wonderful group of super talented crafters and photographers.

    Congratulations on publishing 26 blog posts, including several well-made crafting articles! Indeed, it is super hard work to create an extensive how-to post, but it will be all worth it, with the people thanking you back for the help they get with your tips and recommendations. It's the best reward for all our hard work, really.

    As for making videos, it is really hard work, too. But you can do it with short ones first and the topics you are really passionate to share with. You will just learn the rest as you go. I too had these doubts before, but look at me now, sailing smoothly as if my videos are perfect ahahhah but they're not. I just developed the thick skin, and some skills, and the acceptance that it is hard work, and that it takes time to learn, and that is fine ;) Go for it, girl..I'm always here if you have specific questions, okay?

    Now, on Instagram favoring videos. That is so true. I have joined the reels bandwagon just to try and honestly, it's not that bad! The app is making it easier for you as you do it regularly! I even had additional followers because of doing Reels. You know it's important for me as a business owner, so I had to balance both what the whole industry wants, and what my own business needs. Reels can really be fun, too, dear... You might want to try it sometime.

    Now, for 2022 projects. Same here, I'll be starting the year with unfinished 2021 things, but that's okay. I am aiming to finish them within the month, crossing fingers... But I'm excited to tackle all of them this month, so I can finally move on to 2022 projects.

    Again, I wish you all the best this 2022 my dear! Don't beat yourself up, okay? It's not gonna be easy, but it's all gonna be worth it. We, your doll community friends, are here to support and love all your hard work! Thank you so much for putting so much love for this craft!

    Chat soon! Mwah!


    1. Hi Shasha! Happy New Year to you too! Thanks for the Facebook suggestion, I've just requested to join. I do also want to venture into different types of diorama and scenes, so I hope I can find some inspiration there.

      When it comes to videos, I want to re-do some craftst that I've already done, so it will be something I've already practiced. I want to start with simple things like a crate or the letter decor I did a while back. Just small things to get me started and, eventually, move onto bigger projects. My fear is that it will take some time from working on the blog, which is my main platform. We'll see how that goes.

      Here's the thing. I don't want to do things to gain followers, I want to do things because they're fun. I don't feel inspired to post videos there, and I just don't want to feel forced to do so to keep up with the algorythm. I do understand having to keep up with the trends if you have a business, but I don't treat this blog and my craft as a business. Maybe I'm making the wrong decision by treating it as just a hobby?

      Thank you so much for your kind words and good wishes. One of my pledges for 2022 is to be kinder to myself, so your comment really hits the nail. Wish you too all the best for 2022.

      Big hugs!

    2. Craft blogging is not just any blogging - we craft - that is, test and do trials and find the best ways to make the activity worth it - and then we write about it. So give it ample time, and it's okay that we perhaps look like we work slow.

      As years passed, I realized everything really is business. Not the literal kind, but in its very essence, a trade. We work on something, we get something in return. I have also treated my blog just a hobby, an extension of my main trade, but eventually, after 10 years, I finally had it monetized, a form of business. However, I realized, why not accept the fact that everything is a trade. I have to further dig deeper into this thought of mine and I'll surely let you know. I'll probably blog about it, not only because it's fun to journey in and out and around of my brain, but because I know that it will inspire someone -- and it's a bonus if I get eyeballs over at my blog to earn cents haha!

    3. I do like your take on our blogs being a business. I also do have my blog monetized, but it doesn't really pay that much. I don't think it makes me greedy to want to get a few coins back for all the work and money I spend on creating content that others enjoy for free. Also, I've been unnemployed for over 2 years now, so I want to have some passive income just in case (specially during these "uncertain times").
      Sorry it took me so long to reply, I've been off from my computer for a few days. Wish you a lovely weekend ahead!

  6. Your new-to-us pictures are nice. Good composition, lighting and posing. I agree with you about Instagram being a drag sometimes. I wanted to find new doll collectors, but there's not a lot of socializing, just dropping comments and moving on to the next picture. My number of followers has actually decreased since I marked having 100. I would like to start some sort of doll-related business, but until then, Instagram isn't giving me what I need right now. And if I do start marking videos, I would like the chance to have them monetized, too. Although I don't know if I'm cut out for videos. As an American saying goes, I have a face for radio and a voice for newsprint.

    From hearing others' experience, it's very possible that you will lose some of your enjoyment of dolls and crafting, if you turn it into a business. As with taking Instagram pictures in general, I would only do what you enjoy.

    1. Thanks Barb, I'm glad that you like my photos. I feel like some people think of Instagram as a popularity contest, instead of a way to meet fellow collectors and get inspired by them. I've had drops of followers too, but that's because lots of people will mass follow other accounts just to unfollow them a few days later. They do it so you will follow them back and their following will grow.

      I would also like to be able to have a business that is somewhat related to dolls or crafting. But it would have to be something that isn't full time. I do agree about it potentialy taking some joy out of your hobby. If I ever make videos, I don't think I would talk on them, as my pronunciation isn't great. But definitely, I'm not going to put the work into a platform that is giving me nothing in return.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Don't worry Linda! Maybe there is something going on with the blogger reader and that's why you missed some posts. I like the shadows one too, and it's something I want to keep experimenting with. Once I looked back, I realized I did more things than I thought. I started on social media because I wanted to attract new readers to my blog, but it doesn't seem to work that way. I very rarely receive any visits from there, let alone have someone commenting. Also, people on Instagram seem to be more concerned about becoming popular than about building a community. I do prefer blogging too, the interactions are way more interesting.
    Hugs to you too!

  8. I really enjoy seeing your photos of your dolls, the photos are so great! The backgrounds, the tiny props, the different colors and details give life to them and there is so much to look at.

    It is amazing how fast 2021 went. It is mind blowing to think that some of the things I thought I did that year, I did in 2019. Well, I hope that this new year will be a good one in many ways!

    Take care! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Niina, I'm glad that you like them! I try to avoid having backgrounds that feel empty, so I'm happy to hear that you find them detailed.

      I still can't believe 2021 is over. 2020 felt very long in a way, but 2021 came and go in the blink of an eye. Is crazy to think that I graduated college a year ago. Hope in 2022 we can see the end of this never ending pandemic!

      Big hugs to you too!


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